Established December 13, 1991
Revised November 16, 2010


The State of Kansas utilizes an accounting system for the centralized processing of state agency receipts and expenditures. The Statewide Management, Accounting, and Reporting Tool (SMART) has been designed to serve the current and future accounting and financial reporting needs of the state entity and its component agencies.

The state agency with oversight responsibility for the operations of the SMART system is the Department of Administration, Division of Accounts and Reports. The Secretary of Administration has delegated primary responsibility to the Division of Accounts and Reports, Accounting Systems and Procedures Section.

ASTRA was initially created to serve as a communication link between state agencies and the Department of Administration, increase the understanding, and improve the functionality of the STARS System in 1991. The scope of ASTRA has been expanded to include SMART in 2010 and other state financial management issues.

Mission Statement

Promote and develop communication relating to the State of Kansas financial management issues.




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Page last modified on: March 07, 2014