New! In-SHARP Security Request Form
The new In-SHARP Security Request form is now available. Only designated Agency Security Contacts can complete requests for their agency users.
SHARP and SMART share User Profiles and passwords. Agency User Profiles are emptied of all access when Inactivated, but can be used again if a former employee returns.
1. Navigate to the Update SHaRP User Access and type in the Employee ID. If a User Profile for your Agency is returned, update the User' roles and/or departments. If not, proceed to #2.
2. If no profile is returned for your agency, move to the New SHaRP User-Employee form. (If you skipped Step 1 and a User Profile is found for your employee, your New SHaRP User-Employee form will be cancelled and an Update form will need to be completed)
3. To Inactivate a User, submit an Inactivate SHaRP User Profile form. This will remove all Roles and Data Access from the Profile. It does not delete the Profile. Inactivate User Profiles as soon as a User leaves employment with your agency.
4. To add a new Contract or Temp employee who does not have an Employee ID - use the New SHaRP User -Non-Employee form.
Contact if you do not know who your contact is, you are the contact and do not see the form menu in SHARP, you need instructions on completing the form, or if your agency needs to designate a Contact.