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Employee Turnover Analysis - KPER254
This report provides turnover information for Classified,
Regulars based upon the department, time period and other criteria entered
on the parameters panel.
Parameters - First Page:
- Begin Date
- End Date
- Department ID or Department Group
- SRS, JJA, and DOC have facilities that can be included in the
turnover report by using the Department Group field)
- Page Break Level
- The number of digits in the Department ID that you want to break
the turnover out by.
- 10 digits=department, 5 digits = division, 3 digits = agency.
- Termination Type
- Choose between: blank for all, voluntary, involuntary, or neutral.
- NOTE: Begin Date, End Date, Dept ID/Dept Group, and
Page Break Level must contain a value in order for the report to run
Parameters - Second Page:
- 10 Job Code fields
- Enter a list of up to 10 job codes at 1 time.
- Job Category field
- Type in 2 digit category code.
- EEO Code field
- Choose from the available values.
- 10 County fields
- Enter a list of up to 10 counties at a 1 time.
- Geographic Region field
- Choose from the available values.
- Flat File Option
- File can be ran to a *.dat file. You can right click on the *.dat
file link and Save Target As, type in a name and type in .txt at
the end, press Save. You can import this into a spreadsheet.
- NOTE: Nothing on the second page is required in
order to run the report.
- NOTE: If you enter a Job Code, Category, EEO Code,
County, or Geographic Region, the report will only pull information
for what you entered. Flat file option does not change the report data.
- Begin Count
- Department ID/Department Name
- End Count
- From Date/Thru Date
- Hires/Rehires (not included in the turnover rate calculation)
- Retirements
- Selected Transfers In (not included in the turnover rate calculation)
- Selected Transfers Out
- Terminations
- Turnover Rate
Turnover Rate Calcuation
NOTE: This calculation includes employee movement within
the State of Kansas. Standardized calculations do not include transfers
(Retirements+Terminations+Transfers Out)/((Begin Count + End Count)/2)=
Turnover Rate
Workforce Administration > Workforce Reports > Employee
Please contact Kristine Scott,
for specific action/reason codes included in this report.