Time and Labor: Combo Code / Task Profile
- KTL111
This report is an extract of all of the combination codes that have been set up in the system, with effective dates of the current date or prior. This report will not show you future dated combination codes. The report can be ran according to status, specific chart fields, or specific task profiles. In addition to showing you the combo codes, the report will also show you which task profiles are attached, if any, to that combo code and whether the combo code is being used on the department budget table. The report is formatted the same as the INF46 load file, which will allow you to run the report, make necessary changes, and submit to be loaded.
NOTE: The output is a .dat Flat File. (Results in a fixed width file that can be imported into a spreadsheet or database)
When importing the .dat flat file into Excel, choose the following:
- Delimited
- Semicolon
- Text (for lengthy fields, such as Combo Code)
For every combo code for your agency:
(Note: All fields from the Report Request Parameters page in addition to the fields listed below)