Employee Self Service Center - Frequently Asked Questions
Will the Employee Self Service Center be available 24 hours a day? The Employee Self Service Center is unavailable for daily routine systems maintenance from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. CT, and Sundays, 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon CT. What is the Employee Self Service Center?
How do I sign on? You need your 11-character State of Kansas Employee ID number and password to sign on. How do I get my State of Kansas Employee ID number? You can find your Employee ID number on a printed pay advice or timesheet. You can also contact your agency human resource office. What is my password the first time I sign on? Your agency human resource office is responsible for telling you your password for the first time you sign on. The system requires you to change that password the first time you sign on. The system also requires you to enter a secret question and response to use in case you forget your password. What if I forget my password? The first time you signed on, you were required to enter a secret question and response to use in case you forgot your password. Click on the "Forgot Your Password?" link on the sign on page. You can answer your secret question to create a new temporary password that will display on the screen. You do not need an email address to get a new password. Who can access my information over the Internet? You must enter your Employee ID number and a Password that should only be known to you. Unless you have compromised your Password by revealing it to someone else, you are the only one who can access your information using the Employee Self Service Center. Is my information secure? The security of the Employee Self Service Center is state of the art, uses 128-bit encryption, and offers the best protection of data that we can provide. Our security policy requires that passwords be changed every 30 days. You also have a key role in protecting your information. You should create passwords that are not easily linked with you, change your password regularly, and protect your password so that it is not compromised. When working on a public or shared computer, you should clear the computer's "cache" (temporary memory) after you sign out of the Employee Self Service Center in order to prevent others from viewing confidential information after you leave the machine. The steps are different depending on the browser you are using. How do I change my password? On the Self Service Options page, click on "Update My Profile" and select "Change Password." The system will automatically take you to the Change Password page to assign a new password for any of the following reasons:
How long do I have access to my SHARP
Self Service information after terminating? Who do I call if I have questions? Contact your agency human resource office with questions about:
Contact the Self Service Help Desk
What information is on the secure portion of the Employee Self Service Center? Self Service is divided into three areas – viewing information, updating information, and requesting information. View but not update your information.
* Not available to Regents’ Institution employees. Update selected information.
* Process not available to Regents’ Institution employees. Request information.
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