Adobe Acrobat Reader Instructions
Download & Install Adobe Acrobat ReaderMany of the documents on this website have been published in portable document file (.pdf) format in order to insure that the document that you are viewing and printing is identical to the "hard" copy that we create, regardless of what browser your are using. This requires the one time downloading of a free "plug-in" or "reader" called the Adobe Acrobat Reader. It may help to print these instructions prior to going through the download and installation procedures.
View portable document file (.pdf) with Adobe Acrobat ReaderAfter you have installed the Reader, you can click on any of the links to Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) files and they should open inside either your browser, or in the freestanding Acrobat Reader application. When you select a .pdf file for viewing for the first time, you may be prompted to choose how to handle the file. In Netscape, for instance, you may receive a dialog box labeled "Unknown File Type", with the options "More Info", "Pick App...", and "Save File". Select "Pick App..." to configure the Acrobat Reader as your "viewer" for this file type. The next dialog box will be titled "Configure External Viewer" and should show a "mime type" of "application/pdf". Press the browse button, and select the directory where you saved the Acrobat Reader. Highlight the Acrobat application you have installed. You have now associated the Portable Document Format file type with the Acrobat Reader, so that each time your browser encounters this file type, it will automatically start up the Acrobat "helper" application to allow you to read it. Save .pdf file to your hard driveTo save a .pdf file for viewing later, once the Acrobat Reader has been installed,
right-click on the link to the selected document. Adobe Fillable forms instructionsWhere indicated, Adobe .pdf documents on this site can be filled in and printed. To view and complete .pdf fillable forms you'll need the freely available Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer. Versions earlier than 4 will not support fillable forms. Acrobat Reader does not allow you to save your completed forms to disk. The ability to save completed forms is available commercially with the Adobe Acrobat suite. To complete a fillable form: