Kansas Department of Administration, Office of General Services
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General Accounting

(last revised 7-18-1996)

VENDOR NUMBER - 9 digit social security number for an individual or 9 digit federal employer identification number (FEIN). State agencies should use their agency number followed by six zeroes. Exceptions must be approved by Accounts & Reports.

SUFFIX NUMBER - Used to show a different mailing address (some vendors have more than one) or name (such as a different division, etc.).  Change of address should not be added as another suffix.  A change request (TM-21) should be sent to Accounts & Reports (with backup) to correct the existing record.  00-99 are available. Alpha exceptions must be approved by Accounts & Reports.

DUE DATE - Unused

VENDOR TYPE - there is an edit on this field requiring the vendor type to be the same for all suffixes within a vendor number.

  1. Employee (SSN)
  2. Federal Agency
  3. State Agency (any state)
  4. Local Government (cities, counties, public libraries, school districts, etc.)
  5. Vendor-Business (FEIN number)
  6. Vendor-Individual (SSN)
  7. Other---Do not use

VENDOR STATUS - 0 = Active     1 = Inactive      2 = Inactive due to Finalist (zip +4 program)

MIN BUS - Unused;  DISADV BUS - Unused;  WOMEN BUS - Unused

SORT SEQUENCE - The 2A screen (alphabetically sorted) in the STARS vendor file is sorted by the sort sequence field, not by the vendor name. Please use the following guidelines.

  1. Individuals (Vend.Type 1 or 6) - LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME (ex. John Smith - SMITH,JOHN or George Smith - SMITH,GEOR) - do not add a space in between the comma and the first name since the field is limited to 10 spaces and we need as much information as we can get in there. The comma is being used to distinguish the last name from the first since it is difficult to tell in some cases.
  2. Businesses - Type the first 10 digits of the vendor name except:
    1. names that have 8 or 9 digits in the first word, delete the separating space,
    2. "Cities of" - just use the name of the city
    3. Acceptable abbreviations are Amer=American, Intl=International, KC = Kansas City, Natl=National, NE=Northeast, NW=Northwest, SE=Southeast, SW=Southwest, Univ=University, US=United States

AGENCY/DIV - Three digit agency number in most cases.

1099 INDICATOR - Identifies if this is the type of organization that has to be reported on 1099's regardless of whether your payments to them are reportable or not. Basically all corporations with the exception of medical corporations are exempt from 1099 reporting. Mark yes int his field unless you can tell in the name (inc, corp) that it is a corporation other than medical. When in doubt, enter Y.  ALL vendor types 1 and 6 must be Y in the 1099 indicator. Vendor types 2, 3 and 4 should be N. As of 5/93 there is an edit on this field requiring the 1099 indicator be the same for all suffixes within a vendor number.

VENDOR-NAME1 - Enter the vendor name the same way that it will appear on the warrant. You can enter SMITH,JOHN in the sort sequence and still have JOHN SMITH on the warrant by entering JOHN SMITH in the vendor name. The preferable way for an individual's name in this field is First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name.

VENDOR-NAME2 - If needed. May be used for additional name or address.

VENDOR-ADDRESS - Required field. FINALIST requires a "Postal Correct" address for Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, California, Arkansas, Washington (state), and Iowa.
For individuals, including state employees, the home address should be used for suffix 00. If payment is requested to be sent to a work address, this should be added to the vendor file as suffix 01. 

CITY - Required field.

STATE - Required field. ** can be used for foreign vendors.

ZIP-CODE - 5 digit zip code. For those included in Finalist (see above) the zip +4 is automatically added.

PHONE AND CONTACT NAME - Optional fields for the vendor phone number and contact person. The contact field is also used by A&R as a memo field to show why a record has been inactivated, etc.

EFFECTIVE START DATE - Defaults to system date.  Not necessary to enter information in this field.


EXPLANATION (TM-21 form) - If any vendor information is being changed or deleted an explanation describing the reason for the change or deletion should be entered in this area of the TM-21. If a vendor number is being changed a copy of form W-9, a copy of an invoice reflecting the correct FEIN, or a letter on company letterhead and signed by someone from the company should be attached to form TM-21. If a vendor-business name or address is changing, a copy of a letter, invoice, or other source of information from the vendor should be attached. If change in address or number has been confirmed via telephone call to vendor, a name and phone number of the person talked to should be provided. The first numeric suffix in the vendor file is the one 1099's are sent to if a 1099 is issued, therefore if an address change is needed, the existing record in the vendor file should be corrected rather than another suffix added.

Banking Information  
DA-130 "Authorization for Electronic Deposit of Vendor Payment" forms should be submitted to Accounts and Reports to add the banking information onto the vendor record in the vendor file. Banking information may be added at the agency to new records, but the electronic deposit function will be suspended until the DA-130 is received in A&R.

ABA NUMBER - 9 digit number usually located on the lower left corner of check or deposit slip.

FINANCIAL INSTITUTION - Determined by ABA number and automatically entered when vendor record added to STARS. No need to manually complete this field.

ACCT NUMBER - Bank account number.

ACCT TYPE - C=checking acct, S=savings acct

PRENOTE IND - Enter "N" when entering a new vendor with banking information. Once the overnight processes are completed, the "N" will have changed to a "Y" indicating the prenote process has begun.

PRENOTE DATE - This date is automatically added to the vendor file upon completion of the overnight computer processes and will indicate when the prenote information will reach the federal reserve. There is an edit on this field that prevents electronic deposit payments until 10 calendar days after the date in this field.