Format | Element | Explanation |
JXAAANNN | J | Designates journal voucher. |
X | Varies based on the journal voucher type selected. X Journal Voucher Type 1 Payroll 2 Correct Payment/Receipt Prefix V& S 3 Cash Adjust - PY Contingent Encumbrances C Credit Card R Receipt Distribution |
AAA | The three-digit STARS agency number of the agency preparing the document. | |
NNN | A sequential number assigned by the agency or, if left blank, SOKI3+ assigns the number. There is no A & R requirement that these numbers start over with each new fiscal year, this is an agency decision. However, the system can assign the number automatically and it does start over at "001" each new fiscal year. |
Next, click "Start the J.V.". Then click "Link to your document for entry".
Click "Add more funding lines" to manually key in your journal voucher funding lines or choose to upload funding from a text file. Templates used to upload funding lines are located in the HELP section of SOKI3+ under "? Upload Templates".
Line#. Assigned by the system. Only visible after you have input the funding.
Sfx. Document suffix, assigned by the system.
Origin. This field is only available for document type "CORRECT PAYMENT/RECEIPT PREFIX V & S". Select from the drop down box "soki" for SOKI3+ documents, "deleg" for payment vouchers processed under the agency's delegated audit authority (i.e., not submitted to the Dept. of Administration for processing), or "none" for all others.
Original Doc#. This field is only available for document type "CORRECT PAYMENT/RECEIPT PREFIX V & S". Enter the voucher number, including the prefix and any leading zeros, of the STARS transaction to be corrected. Do not enter the voucher suffix.
T/C. Enter the transaction code (T/C). To correct receipts, use the original T/C. To correct vendor payments, see the TRANSACTION CODE SELECTION TABLE FOR VENDOR PAYMENTS. On the table, locate the transaction code used on the original document in the column labeled "Original T/C". On the journal voucher, enter the corresponding transaction code from the column labeled "Correction T/C". For all other types of journal vouchers, refer to the EXAMPLES OF OTHER TYPES OF SOKI3+ JOURNAL VOUCHERS.
Ref. Doc./sfx. These fields are only used with transaction codes 804, 806, 814, and 816.
M. Only use for transaction codes 806 and 816. "F" is used to complete the field.
Agy, Fund, BFY, Index, PCA and Sub-Obj should be completed as needed.
R. Enter an R in this field to reverse the effect of the transaction code rather than putting a negative amount in the amount field. In the case of encumbrances (transaction codes 804 and 814), the R reduces the amount of the encumbrance.
When correcting expenditures (T/C 7XX and 543) and encumbrances (T/C 8XX), the lines with R's (reversals) should be the first funding lines for each document correction (i.e., 783R goes on the first funding line, and 783 goes on the second line).
When correcting receipts (T/C 6XX), the lines with the R's should be the last entries for each document correction (i.e., 6XX goes on the first funding line, and 6XXR goes on the second line).
Description. Up to 100 characters can be entered and will remain in SOKI3+, but only the first 30 will be uploaded to STARS. This can be used to explain the purpose of the correction.
Vendor number/sfx: Use only for a transaction code that requires a vendor number (780, 781, 782, 784, 790, 804, 814, 806, and 816).
Agency Use. 16 characters uploaded to STARS for agency's internal use.
Amount. Enter the amount you want to adjust.
If you are manually keying in each funding line, click "Add the funding lines" after completing all the entries or five funding lines, whichever comes first. Then choose to "Add more funding lines", "Return to viewing the document", or Return to list of your waiting documents". If finished entering the funding lines, click "Return to viewing the document".
If there are errors the document will state at the top in red "This Document Currently Has Errors!" Each funding line in error will be red and error messages explaining the errors will be at the bottom of the document. To correct a funding line click on the amount field for the funding line. Either make changes as necessary and click "Modify the line as above", or click "Delete this line from the voucher".
The comments field is at the bottom of the document. Enter the appropriate comments and click "update the comments".
Comments are required for the following agency initiated document types (italicized fields should be replaced with the indicated information):
Certified Transfer: Describe what the transfer is for and cite the authorization (statute). Example: To transfer from fund name to fund name in accordance with the specific authority. This transfer is for the month, quarter, period date or date to date.
Correct Payment/Receipt: Indicate the reason for the correction.
Summarized Corrections: Indicate the reason for the correcting entry. Example: to correct by summary entries receipts/expenditures/PCAs from fund/account to fund/account for transactions originally processed during the period date through date. Detail of the payments being corrected is available in the accounting office of agency name.
Comments will be listed as follows for the following Accounts and Reports initiated document types (underlined item will be replaced with the appropriate information):
Appropriations & Limitations: Indicate the type of adjustment and cite the authorization.
Average Daily Balance: Average daily balance interest transfer for month year. Also see J3ADBXXX. The interest rate for month year is percentage rate.
Appropriation Team Journal Vouchers: Indicate the reason for the correcting entry and cite appropriate authorization.
Excise Tax: To distribute excise tax refunds on motor fuel purchases to agencies, for the quarter ended month, day, year.
Outlawed warrants: To record the amount of outlawed warrants at date, based on the State Treasurer's listing as of month end date. These amounts are outlawed per K.S.A. 10-812a (all agencies) and K.S.A. 39-710 (agency 629), K.S.A. 44-712c and 44-716a (agency 296) and K.S.A. 10-813a (agency 365). The cancelled warrant payment fund excess balance at each July 1 is transferred to the state general fund per K.S.A. 10-812c.
Preaudit Balanced Journal Vouchers: Indicate the reason for the correcting entry.
TJ transactions: Indicate the reason for the entry.
Once all the funding lines are entered and there are no errors, click the appropriate link in the "Document Level Options": "Notify an Approver/Releaser", "Approve the Document", or "Release the Document". Depending on the user's authority, not all options may be shown. Note that "Approve the Document" is optional (for the agency's internal control purposes), but "Release the Document" is required.
If journal vouchers requiring approval and review by Central Accounting Services are released by noon on a business day, they should be uploaded to STARS that same day assuming that the journal voucher review by Central Accounting Services determines the document is appropriate to process. Other types of SOKI 3+ journal vouchers not requiring review by Central Accounting Services will upload to STARS if error free and released by the agency to STARS by 3:00 p.m.
Documents that upload to STARS may still suspend in STARS for errors not edited for by SOKI3+.
In the examples, CYYY=current fiscal year; PYYY= any prior fiscal year; YYYY= any year; use the actual BFY such as "2003" when preparing the document.
1. Correct a 1099 reportable sub-object code in the same calendar year as the payment. The first line reverses the charges to the incorrect sub-object code and the second line charges the correct expenditure sub-object code that actually received the payment. In the example below the first sub-object is not reportable, but the sub-object on the second line is reportable.
See IRS 1099 Corrections for additional information.
Line# 1234 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 780 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 3200 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1235 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 780 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
PCA 00000 |
Sobj 2690 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
2. Correct a vendor number for 1099 reporting on an Imprest Fund or a Petty Cash Fund in the same calendar year as the payment. The first line reverses the charges to the fund's vendor number and the second line charges the vendor that actually received the payment.
See IRS 1099 Reporting of Payments Made from Petty Cash and Imprest Funds for additional information.
Line# 1236 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 780 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2690 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number AGENCYNUM |
Sfx BR |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1237 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 780 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
PCA 00000 |
Sobj 2690 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
3. Correct funding and/or sub-object. The first line reverses the original expenditure and the second charges the correct funding. This format is also used for correcting encumbered payments where no adjustment is needed to the encumbrance.
Line# 1238 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 783 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 4049 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number |
Sfx |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1239 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 783 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 9999 |
Index 9999 |
PCA 00000 |
Sobj 3690 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number |
Sfx |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
4. Apply a current year payment against a prior year encumbrance. The first line charges the encumbrance, the second line restores the current year funding as if the transaction had not occurred, and the third line charges the prior fiscal year.
See Encumbrance Adjustments for additional information.
Line# 1240 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 804 |
Ref.Doc A1234567 |
Sfx 01 |
M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 3200 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1241 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 783 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
PCA 00000 |
Sobj 3200 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number |
Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1242 |
Sfx 03 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 783 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 3200 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
5. Apply a payment against an encumbrance when the original payment was made unencumbered against the same funding and fiscal year. Note that if the encumbrance has a vendor number it is required on the journal voucher.
See Encumbrance Adjustments for additional information.
Line# 1243 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 814 |
Ref.Doc C2010000 |
Sfx 01 |
M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2690 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
6. Correct the encumbrance and funding for an encumbered payment. The first line charges the correct encumbrance. The second line restores the encumbrance balance that was charged in error. The third line reverses the original funding. The fourth line charges the correct funding.
See Encumbrance Adjustments for additional information.
Line# 1244 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 804 |
Ref.Doc A7654321 |
Sfx 01 |
M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2222 |
Index 2222 |
Sobj 2690 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1245 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 804 |
Ref.Doc A1234567 |
Sfx 01 |
M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2690 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1246 |
Sfx 03 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 783 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2690 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number |
Sfx |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1247 |
Sfx 04 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 783 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2222 |
Index 2222 |
Sobj 2690 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
7a. Correct a payment voucher from an expenditure to a reduction of revenue (where the original receipt was deposited with transaction code 602). For example, if a fee was refunded using receipt object code 2050 (education and libraries) and T/C 703 was used in error rather than T/C 717, this entry would correct the error.
Use T/C 780 on line 1 if the payment is 1099 reportable in the current calendar year, otherwise use T/C 783 and no vendor number.
Line# 1248 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 780 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2050 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1249 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 781 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2050 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
7b. Correct a payment voucher from an expenditure to a reduction of revenue (where the original receipt was deposited with transaction code 604). For example, if a fee was refunded using receipt object code 2050 (education and libraries) and T/C 703 was used in error rather than T/C 717, this entry would correct the error.
Use T/C 780 on line 1 if the payment is 1099 reportable in the current calendar year, otherwise use T/C 783 and no vendor number.
Line# 1250 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 780 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2690 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1251 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin Deleg |
OrigDoc# V0000001 |
T/C 784 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 2050 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number 123456789 |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
8. Correct a receipt from a revenue to a reduction of expenditure. This should only be used for refunds or recovery of overpayments. The first line is the corrected coding. The second line is the reversal of the original coding.
Line# 1252 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin SOKI |
OrigDoc# S0000001 |
T/C 603 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 3710 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1253 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin SOKI |
OrigDoc# S0000001 |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 0000 |
Index 0000 |
Sobj 6211 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
9. Correct funding on a prior year receipt. Corrections to prior year receipt funding are made in the current fiscal year using transfer sub-object codes. Sub-object code 6601 is always used regardless of the original sub-object code. The explanation on the journal voucher must state in which fiscal year the original receipt transaction processed.
Line# 1254 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin SOKI |
OrigDoc# S0000001 |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 6601 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1255 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin SOKI |
OrigDoc# S0000001 |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 3000 |
Index 3000 |
Sobj 6602 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
10. Receipt distributions (document prefix JR) and distribution of Credit Card receipts (document prefix JC). These are processed to distribute receipts from an agency suspense fund to the appropriate budgetary accounts. The first line moves the cash to the proper fund. The second line removes the cash from the clearing or suspense fund.
If either of these document types have errors after uploading to STARS, the document will be in the agency's suspense, and will need to be corrected by agency personnel. Receipt distributions will show as batch number 966, type T (batch 976 for new year transactions during concurrent processing). Credit card transaction journal vouchers will show as batch number 961 (batch 971 for new year transactions during concurrent processing).
Line# 1256 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 6211 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1257 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 606 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 9999 |
Index 9999 |
Sobj 6700 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
11. Credit Card (document prefix JC) - move the monthly credit card fees charged by the card processing service to the appropriate budgetary accounts from the credit card clearing fund. Vendor number and suffix must be completed for T/C 733. If this document has errors after uploading to STARS, the document will be in the agency's suspense as batch number 961 (batch 971 for new year transactions during concurrent processing) and will need to be corrected by agency personnel.
Line# 1260 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 606 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 9000 |
Index 9000 |
Sobj 6290 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1261 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 733 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 2691 |
R |
Description | Vendor Number xxxxxxxxx |
Sfx 00 |
Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
12. Cash Adjust - PY Contingent Encumbrances (document prefix J3). These are used to move cash from one fiscal year to another to provide for expenditures against a prior fiscal year contingent encumbrance. The transaction code is always 604. There can be only one index code per journal voucher. The funding line(s) where the money is being deposited must use object code 6601. The funding line with the "R" in the "R" field must use object code 6602. Contact the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team with questions regarding this type of journal voucher.
Line# 1258 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 604 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 6601 |
R | |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1259 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 604 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 6602 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
13. Payroll Prior Period Funding Adjustments for non-Regents agencies (document prefix J1). These are used to adjust the funding on payroll expenditures. T/C 543 is appropriate.
Within each journal voucher, for the range of expenditure sub-objects 1000 through 1740, the sum of the 543 transactions must equal the sum of the 543R transactions.
Within each journal voucher, for the range of expenditure sub-objects 1750 through 1990, the sum of the 543 transactions must equal the sum of the 543R transactions at the detail expenditure sub-object level.
Contact the Payroll section of Accounts and Reports with questions regarding this type of journal voucher.
Line# 1262 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 543 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 1010 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
Line# 1263 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 543 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 3000 |
Index 3000 |
Sobj 1010 |
R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 100.00 |
14a. E-Check distributions (document prefix JE) when the agency receipts 100% of the fee or other revenue. These are processed to distribute receipts from an agency clearing fund to the appropriate budgetary accounts. This example should be used if the agency receives the full fee imposed by the agency.
In this example the fees are split 20% to the general fund and 80% to the fee fund. The first line moves 20% of the fees to the general fund. The second line moves 80% of the fees to the fee fund. The third line removes the fee from the clearing fund.
If this document has errors after uploading to STARS, the document will be in the agency's suspense, and will need to be corrected by agency personnel. The journal voucher will show as batch number 961 (batch 971 for new year transactions during concurrent processing).
Line# 1264 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 1000 |
Index 1 000 |
Sobj 2020 |
R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 2.00 |
Line# 1265 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 2020 |
R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 8.00 |
Line# 1266 |
Sfx 03 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 606 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 9000 |
Index 9000 |
Sobj 6703 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 10.00 |
14b. E-Check distributions (document prefix JE) received net of processing charges. These are processed to distribute receipts from an agency clearing fund to the appropriate budgetary accounts. This example should be used if the fees received are reduced by a processing charged.
The example assumes the agency assesses $10 for a license and has to split it 80% to the fee fund and 20% to the general fund, and a $1 processing charge is netted against the receipt for an original deposit of $9. The first line moves 20% of the gross license fee to the general fund. The second line moves 80% of the gross license fee to the fee funds. The third line recognizes the $1 processing charge imposed by the vendor processing the E-check. The fourth line removes the net receipt from the suspense fund.
If this document has errors after uploading to STARS, the document will be in the agency's suspense, and will need to be corrected by agency personnel. The journal voucher will show as batch number 961 (batch 971 for new year transactions during concurrent processing).
Line# 1267 |
Sfx 01 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 1000 |
Index 1 000 |
Sobj 2xxx |
R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 2.00 |
Line# 1268 |
Sfx 02 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 602 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 2xxx |
R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 8.00 |
Line# 1269 |
Sfx 03 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 603 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 2000 |
Index 2000 |
Sobj 2696 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 1.00 |
Line# 1270 |
Sfx 04 |
Origin |
OrigDoc# |
T/C 606 |
Ref.Doc | Sfx | M | Agy 000 |
Fund 9000 |
Index 9000 |
Sobj 6703 |
R R |
Description | Vendor Number | Sfx | Agency Use | Amount 9.00 |
Prior transaction year corrections to PCA, expenditure sub-object, or revenue sub-object will not be processed with one exception. Corrections for expenditure transactions that impact IRS 1099 reporting in the current calendar year will be processed.
When changing the funding for an expenditure to the State general fund (1000) for a prior budget fiscal year, an encumbrance must be reduced to offset the amount.
IRS 1099 reportable expenditure sub-object codes are denoted in PPM Filing 7,002 with the "**" symbol.
Changes made that impact IRS 1099 reporting must be made during the calendar year of the payment. Transaction code 780 with a vendor number must be used. If the correction is not made in the same calendar year, then do not use transaction code 780 (use 783).
Agencies that process any 1099 reportable payments (regardless of the dollar amount) from an imprest fund or petty cash fund are responsible for submitting a SOKI3+ journal voucher to record the expenditure against the correct entity. The journal voucher should be prepared at the same time as the payment voucher. This is done by using a transaction code of 780 with a reversal code "R" with the imprest fund or petty cash fund vendor number on the first line and using transaction code 780 with the payee's vendor number on the second line. The vendor number for the payee to be charged must be established in STARS prior to processing the journal voucher. In the comments of the journal voucher, please type "for 1099 purposes". If the voucher is processed under the agency's delegated audit authority, select "deleg" in the origin field. The journal voucher number should be noted on the payment voucher. Additional information regarding the vendor file may be found in Policy and Procedure Manual Filing No. 11,749.
Reference document numbers should only be listed or used when a change needs to be made to an encumbrance (e.g.. the encumbrance needs to be charged and was not) and can only be entered for T/C 804, 806, 814, and 816.
When using transaction code 804, 806, 814 or 816, all funding elements including PCA, sub-object, and vendor number/sfx must match exactly to the encumbrance being adjusted regardless of how the voucher was paid.
To apply an expenditure against an encumbrance, use "R" with transaction code 804 or 814. To restore an encumbrance (i.e., it was charged in error), the "R" should not be used. Transaction codes 806 and 816 require an "F" to be input in the "M" (modifier) field and "R" should not be entered in the "R" (reversal) field.
For more information see Policy and Procedure Manual File 10,206.
Original T/C |
Correction T/C |
Vendor Number |
Comments | |
699 |
792 |
No |
700 |
793 |
No |
702 |
791 |
Yes |
703 |
* 783 |
No |
704 |
* 783 |
No |
And |
804 |
Yes |
Use only if encumbrance needs to be adjusted |
705 |
* 783 |
No |
And |
814 |
Yes |
Use only if encumbrance needs to be adjusted |
707 |
783 |
No |
717 |
781 |
Yes |
718 |
782 |
Yes |
723 |
784 |
Yes |
731 |
783 |
No |
And |
814 |
Yes |
Use only if encumbrance needs to be adjusted |
732 |
783 |
No |
And |
804 |
Yes |
Use only if encumbrance needs to be adjusted |
733 |
783 |
No |
734 |
781 |
Yes |
735 |
784 |
Yes |
736 |
791 |
Yes |
755 |
790 |
Yes |
*use 780 when changes for IRS 1099 reporting are needed (vendor number required) |
These are options that can be selected (depending on user's authority level) from "Type of document" after "Initialize a Manual J.V." has been selected from the main menu in SOKI3+. The name shown in italics is as listed on the drop down list on the "Journal Voucher Initiation Selection Criteria" page. In parenthesis is the designation as shown in the top section of the actual journal voucher.
Cash Adjust - PY Contingent Encumbrances (RECEXPADJ) - These transactions are used when moving cash within the same fund/index code to a different budget fiscal year to provide the cash needed to process payments against contingent encumbrances. Transactions can move cash either from the current fiscal year back to a prior fiscal year or from a prior to the current fiscal year. Central approval will NOT be required for this transaction type prior to the STARS upload. These transactions will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team is responsible for addressing any procedural questions related to this document type.
Certified Transfer (CERTTRSFR) - These transactions are transfers authorized by statute and certified by the preparing agency in writing to the Central Accounting Services Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team. Central approval will be required prior to uploading the transaction to STARS, and the transactions will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. Central approval and release will be granted only after receipt of the standard transfer certification correspondence from the agency. It will be helpful for agencies to note the JV number assigned by the agency on the transfer certification letter correspondence. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team is responsible for approving and releasing this document type.
Correct Payment/Receipt Prefix V & S (PMT-REC) - These are for corrections to change funding, sub-object codes, encumbrances used, etc. on payment and receipt documents that have processed in STARS. Central approval will be required prior to uploading the transaction to STARS, and the transactions will continue to be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. Central approval and release will be granted after a member of the Audit Services Team has reviewed the requested correction. The Audit Services Team is responsible for approving and releasing this document type.
Credit Card (CREDIT) - These transactions are those required to (1) move credit card receipts from the Credit Card Clearing Fund to the proper budgetary fund(s) within the agency, or (2) move funds to the Credit Card Clearing Fund so that sufficient funds are available for payment of the credit card processing fees. Central approval will NOT be required for this transaction type prior to the STARS upload. These transactions will be batched by SOKI3+ at the agency level and will be batch number 961, batch type T, except during concurrent processing. During that time, the old year documents will be batched as batch number 961, and new year documents as batch number 971. Any transactions that suspend in STARS on screen 53 must be corrected by the agency. Additional information regarding these transactions can be found in Informational Circular 01-A-014.
E-Checks (E-Checks) - These transactions are those required to move E-Check receipts from the Clearing Fund to the proper budgetary fund(s) within the agency, and, if applicable, to recognize the appropriate processing expense. Central approval will NOT be required for this transaction type prior to the STARS upload. These transactions will be batched by SOKI3+ at the agency level and will be batch number 961, batch type T, except during concurrent processing. During that time, the old year documents will be batched as batch number 961, and new year documents as batch number 971. Any transactions that suspend in STARS on screen 53 must be corrected by the agency. Additional information regarding these transactions can be found in Informational Circular 04-A-013.
Payroll Prior Period Funding Adjustments (PAYROLL) - These transactions adjust prior period funding of payroll expenditures for SHARP agencies only. Regent Institutions are to continue with the automated DA-35 process that is currently in place for their prior period funding adjustments. Central approval will NOT be required for this transaction type prior to the STARS upload, and the transactions will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. The Payroll Processing Team is responsible for addressing any procedural questions related to this document type.
Receipt Distribution (RECEIPTDIS) - These transactions distribute receipts from an agency suspense fund to the appropriate agency budgetary accounts with a zero dollar net effect. Central approval will NOT be required for this transaction type prior to the STARS upload. These transactions will be batched by SOKI3+ at the agency level and will be batch number 966, batch type T, except during concurrent processing. During that time, the old year documents will be batched as batch number 966, and new year documents as batch number 976. Any transactions that suspend in STARS on screen 53 must be corrected by the agency. The State Treasurer's Office is responsible for addressing any procedural questions related to this document type. Lucinda Anstaett is the contact person and can be reached at
Summarized Corrections (SUMMARY) - These transactions are corrections to receipt and expenditure documents, which are summarized due to the volume of individual transactions that are affected by the correction. Only agencies that have been previously approved to make these types of adjustment transactions may use this transaction type in SOKI3+. Central approval will be required prior to uploading the transaction to STARS, and the transactions will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. Central approval and release will be granted after a member of the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team has reviewed the requested correction. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team is responsible for approving and releasing this document type.
The following transaction types will be initiated centrally by the Division of Accounts and Reports and processed through SOKI3+:
Appropriations & Limitations (APPROP) - These transactions include adjustments to appropriations and limitations to record increases and decreases to appropriations, reappropriations or expenditure limitations, transfers, reversions (lapses) and reserves. The documents are designated in SOKI3+ as G3SOKXXX. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team is responsible for initiation, approval and release of these transactions pursuant to legislative authorities. Agencies, Division of the Budget, and Kansas Legislative Research Department will be notified of these transactions.
Appropriation Team Journal Vouchers (003J3) - These transactions are journal vouchers initiated by the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team will assign the document number in the format J3XXXXXX. These transactions are entered, approved, and released by the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team, and will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. Agencies will be notified of these transactions.
Average Daily Balance Distribution (003ADB) - These transactions transfer interest earnings to eligible agency accounts each month. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team will assign the current document number in the format J3ADBXXX. These transactions are entered, approved, and released by the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team, and will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level.
Fuel Excise Tax Refund (FUELREFUND): These transactions are journal vouchers initiated by the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team to distribute federal fuel excise tax refunds. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team will assign the document number in the format J3EXTXXX. These transactions are entered, approved, and released by the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team, and will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. Agencies will be notified of these transactions.
Outlawed Warrants (OUTLAWED): These transactions are journal vouchers initiated by the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team to recognize warrants that have been outlawed by the State Treasurer. The Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team will assign the document number in the format J3OLWXXX. These transactions are entered, approved, and released by the Appropriations/Master Lease Purchase Team, and will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level.
Preaudit Balanced Journal Vouchers ( 002J2) - These transactions are similar to the corrections identified as payment and receipt voucher corrections (Correct Payment/receipt Prefix V & S). The journal vouchers processed under this type are corrections initiated by the Audit Services Team. The Audit Services Team will assign the current document number in the format J2SOKXXX. These transactions are entered, approved, and released by the Audit Services team, and will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. Agencies will be notified of these transactions.
TJ Transactions (TJ002) - These are treasurer's journal vouchers initiated by the Audit Services Team. The Audit Services Team will assign the current document number in the format T2SOKXXX. These transactions are entered, approved, and released by the Audit Services Team, and will be batched by SOKI3+ at the central level. Agencies will be notified of these transactions.