Chapter 115, New Section 1, of the 1997 Kansas Session Laws authorizes additional moving and relocation
expenses, in addition to those allowed by previously issued Informational Circular 1255. The Secretary
of Administration has also amended K.A.R 1-16-2a to reflect these changes.
Moving and relocation expenses are reimbursable for in-state and out-of-state applicants (new hires). The prior approval of the governor shall be required if the applicant resides out-of-state. Moving and relocation expenses for current employees may be paid when the new official station is more than 25 miles from the old duty station. Moving and relocation expenses will not be paid when a transfer is made primarily for the convenience or benefit of the employee or at the employee's request. Effective for moves occurring on or after July 1, 1997, the following additional expenses are considered qualified moving expenses but are always required to be paid through SHARP with earnings code MVT (See Accounts and Reports Informational Circular 97-P-026):
The following items are considered supplemental wages and should be paid through SHARP with earnings code MVT when the new work location is greater than 25 miles but less than 50 miles further from former residence than was the former place of work:
When the new work location is a least 50 miles further from former residence than was the former place of work, the following moving expenses should be submitted on a payment voucher (DA-120 or DA-103) or a travel voucher (DA-125). Expenditure subobject 2130 should be used for in-state moves or 2140 for out-of-state moves:
Moving reimbursement continues to be subject to the following limitations and requirements:
Payments for out-of-state employee moves require that a copy (signed by the Governor) of the "Request to Pay Out-of-State Applicants" must be attached to the payment voucher. The following forms related to employee moving have been revised for your use. A copy of each is attached to this circular: Agreement for Reimbursement of Moving Expenses (DA-22) Attachments: forms (pdf)