We have completed the revisions to the Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook. If your
agency receives Informational Circulars through e-mail, you may go to our Internet site at www.ink.org/public/da/ar,
to the employee reimbursement section and print a copy of the handbook and the related DA forms for which
completion instructions are listed in Section 6000. If you are an agency who routinely receives a printed
copy of Informational Circulars, the handbook and forms are attached to this circular.
All recipients of this circular will find the brochure, Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Summary,
attached. This document summarizes travel reimbursement rates and basic travel guidelines. We intend that
this document be copied (front to back) and distributed as a "tri-fold" brochure to employees
who have a need for this information. This brochure is also available at our Internet site.