Effective with the third quarter 1998, Regents will no longer be required to verify quarterly KPERS
remittance file totals with the Payroll Reconciliation\Remittance Team. KPERS annual remittance datasets
will continue to be received, processed, and reviewed per the updated attachment.
The elimination of the KPERS Quarterly Remittance totals verification process discussed above supersedes Informational Circular No. 97-R-008, dated December 11, 1996, that has an attachment titled "Regents Remittance Reports/Interface by Fund." This attachment required RGKPER-Summary of Tape Totals and PYRLR048-Transactions Not on Quarterly Tape to be sent to Payroll Services. Questions regarding this informational circular should be directed to the Division of Accounts and Reports, Abby Moore, Payroll Services at (785) 296-2133. SAM:AM Attachment (.pdf)