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Accounts and Reports

INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 99-P-005 (Supersedes 98-P-005) 
DATE:  October 13, 1998
SUBJECT: SHARP Bi-Weekly Payroll Schedule for Calendar Year 1999
EFFECTIVE DATE:   Calendar Year 1999
A & R CONTACT: Payroll Services     (785) 296-3146      
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: SHARP On-Cycle and Off-Cycle Payroll Processing Schedules

Attached is the finalized SHARP bi-weekly on-cycle and off-cycle payroll schedules applicable to your agency for calendar year 1999.

The attached schedules provide important information regarding the critical payroll processing deadlines for each bi-weekly payroll period. Agency personnel responsible for payroll processing will need to ensure that all appropriate information is entered/submitted by the cutoff dates indicated on the schedules in order to ensure the timely issuance of pay for their employees. Time and leave interface agencies: please note that the deadline for submitting time and leave files for the payroll period ending December 28, 1998, is Thursday, December 24.

SHARP off-cycle payrolls will generally be processed each Monday and every other Wednesday night and will include all activity entered into SHARP since the last off-cycle payroll. If a holiday occurs on a Monday or Wednesday, the off-cycle payroll will normally be changed to the following business day. Any payroll payments resulting from an off-cycle payroll will usually be dated three working days from the date the off-cycle was processed (i.e., payments resulting from a Monday off-cycle will almost always be dated the following Thursday; payments from a Wednesday off-cycle will almost always be dated the following Monday). Please note, however, that payments generated in the first off-cycle payroll for a payroll period (i.e., KA1 off-cycle) will be issued with the same paycheck/direct deposit date as the regular on-cycle pay date for that period. Agencies have until 5:00 p.m. on Mondays and every other Wednesday to enter adjustment and/or supplemental data into SHARP for processing in that nights off-cycle payroll.

Off-cycle payrolls for Regents' institutions are also regularly scheduled for each Monday and every other Wednesday night. Regents' institutions generally have until 5:00 p.m. on Fridays and every other Tuesday to submit off-cycle payroll interface files. All interface files must then be approved by the Division of Accounts and Reports for processing by 5:00 p.m. on the following Monday or every other Wednesday to be included in that nights off-cycle payroll. Regents' offcycle payrolls will be issued with the same check/advice date as the SHARP off-cycle processed that same night.