Credit Card Acceptance Questionnaire
- Are you currently accepting MasterCard and Visa cards for payment of goods
and/or services?
Yes No
- If NO, go to question 22.
- If YES, who is your acquiring bank?___________________________________
- Who is your front-end vendor?_______________________________________
- Who is your bank-end processor?____________________________________
- What is your annual credit card volume?_______________________________
- What is your monthly average transaction?_____________________________
- What percent of your credit card sales are face-to-face with credit card present
at the time of transaction?________
- What percent of your sales are non-face-to-face, mail order/telephone order
where the credit card is not present at the time of transaction?_________
- Are there any recurring payments?
Yes No
- What type of point of sale equipment are you using and how many?
- Do you own or lease your point of sale equipment?
Own Lease Other_________________
- Are you using any type of software with your PC to accept credit card
transactions? Yes No
- If YES, what is the name of your software? ________________________________
- Are you accepting the following card types?
Yes No
American Express Yes No
Yes No
Other __________________________
- When will your merchant agreement expire? _____________________________
- If you should cancel your merchant agreement with your current provider, will
there be a penalty? Yes No
- If YES, what are the penalties? _____________________________________
- How many ticket retrievals do you receive a month? _____________________
- How many chargebacks do you receive a month?___________________________
- You are now finished. Go to question 26.
- Would you like to accept MasterCard and Visa cards at your location? Yes No
- If YES, what is your annual gross sale?____________________ (We will assume 10% of
your gross sales will be by credit cards. If it is more than that, please let us know).
- What percent of your sales will be face-to-face with credit card present at the
time of transaction?____
- What percent of your sales will be non-face-to-face, mail order/telephone order
where the credit card is not present at the time of transaction?________
Thank you for your time in completing this survey!
_________________________________________________ ______________________
Representative Name