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Accounts and Reports

INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 00-A-013 (Rescinds No. 1279) 
DATE:  January 11, 2000
SUBJECT: Interfund Vouchers Less than $5.00
EFFECTIVE DATE:   January 11, 2000
A & R CONTACT: Randy Kennedy   (785) 296-2125   (Randy.Kennedy@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: approved by Shirley Moses
SUMMARY: Interfund vouchers may be processed for less than $5.00. 

Informational Circular Number 1279 prohibited the processing of interfund vouchers under $5.00. The cost of processing these documents has been reduced due to the implementation of the Interactive Internet Interfund System (SOKI3). Therefore, interfund vouchers for less than $5.00 may now be processed, either on SOKI3 or paper.
