The contract for the State of Kansas Business Travel Card Program has been awarded
to UMB Bank. VISA cards/accounts issued by UMB Bank will be made available later this
summer. The transition to UMB Bank is being coordinated closely with American Express
(the current vendor). The new program will mirror the existing program in most aspects,
so the transition is anticipated to be relatively seamless for both cardholders and
agency staff. American Express balances will not transfer to the VISA card and each
cardholder will be responsible for his, or her, own outstanding American Express balance.
It is our intent that there will not be a time when an employee will not have a valid
Corporate Card.
The State of Kansas Business Travel Card Program will continue to be divided into two separate programs: Business Travel Accounts
Business Travel Cards (Corporate Cards)
Additional details regarding the transition (e.g. closing accounts, etc.) will be communicated to agencies and cardholders as a detailed implementation plan is developed. Program transition information will be available soon at DB:th