Effective March 13, 2000, the KPAY711 Department Positions and Budget Earnings
Report will be available to agencies each payroll period. The KPAY711 report lists, by
department, the funding information contained in the current effective-dated row in the
department budget earnings table for your agency. The data elements on the report
include: department, position pool number (with effective date), account code, position
number (with effective date), description, account code, effective status, account
(funding agency), fund, org code (index), program (PCA), earnings code (if applicable),
sequence #, percent or amount, and agency use. Any position funded at the position level
instead of at the pool level will be shown at the end of the appropriate department.
Positions that are not filled will not be shown on the report.
The KPAY711 is intended to compliment the KPAY710, Department Budget Earnings Report, and is a tool for agencies to ensure that positions are funded properly. The report will be generated each pay period and will be available in the agency mailboxes on the MVS on the workday following the on-cycle confirm date (i.e. usually the Monday of pay week). A hard copy of the report will be sent to paper user agencies. DB:sb