Bids have been received on a contract to provide a credit card acceptance program for all state
agencies. A Procurement Negotiating Committee (PNC) comprised of
representatives from the Office of State Treasurer, Division of Purchases
and the Division of Accounts and Reports is currently studying the bid
A survey was mailed to all state agencies in September 1999 to determine their credit card needs.
The results of that survey disclosed 13 agencies currently accepting credit cards and an additional
27 agencies with a desire to implement credit card programs. However, the 2000 Legislative Session
enacted a law (House Bill No. 2323) that makes it mandatory for all state agencies to
accept credit cards after June 30, 2001. This law also allows agencies to impose a fee to recover
the actual amount of any cost incurred for accepting credit card payments. Because of this law,
the Credit Card Acceptance PNC needs to obtain additional information to assist us in determining
how to structure the State's response to the bid proposals.
We would appreciate your taking the time to complete the following questions as they pertain to
your agency. Due to limited time constraints, please submit your
response to these questions no later than August 9, 2000.