Agencies have requested warrant images directly from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City (FRB) since October 1997. During fiscal year close, it came to our attention that the
FRB had significantly increased the cost to the Division of Accounts and Reports for each
warrant image provided to state agencies based on the service level selected nearly three
years ago.
In seeking a more cost-effective service option for the warrant image retrieval service, the Division of Accounts and Reports has requested that the service schedule be amended for warrant image retrievals effective October 1, 2000. Under the new agreement, all FAX image requests received by 2:00 P.M. will be returned to the requestor by the end of the next business day. While this means the warrant images will not be received in exactly the same time frame that agencies have become accustomed, we believe that selection of this service option will allow the State of Kansas to retain the convenience of the FRB image retrieval service while taking advantage of a significant cost savings with only a slight change in the service level. Agencies should continue to use Form AR-70, Request for Warrant Image. All requests must be made by FAX to the number shown on the form - no telephone calls will be accepted by the FRB. The following information must be completed on each request: Date - The date you are requesting the warrant image. Agency Number - Your three-digit STARS agency number. Agency Name - The name of your agency. Agency Contact - The name of the person making the request. This is the person who will be contacted for additional information or clarification if problems are encountered in retrieving the warrant image. Phone (Voice) - This is the agency contact's telephone number. Please return images to the following FAX number - This is the fax machine number to which the FRB should transmit the images. You may use a different FAX number on each request submitted, but all images requested on a form will be returned to the same FAX number shown on the form. Warrant Number - This is the warrant type followed by the seven digit warrant number. A list of the valid warrant types is shown at the bottom of Form AR-70. In order to retrieve a warrant image, this field must be eight digits, and must be shown with the warrant type first. Warrant Amount - The amount of the warrant. Warrant Paid Date - This is the date the warrant was redeemed by the State Treasurer. DIN Number - This is the Document Identification Number. The Warrant Paid Date and the DIN Number may be obtained using the State Treasurer's Web Site, State Agency Warrant Search Page ( Please remember that the FRB can retrieve images of only those warrants paid on or after July 1, 1996. Copies of warrants paid prior to that date should continue to be requested from the Central Accounting Services Section. DB:bp