The State of Kansas Parking Compensation Reduction Program established pursuant to
Section 132 of the Internal Revenue Code and K.S.A. 75-5535 was approved by the Secretary
of Administration on July 28, 2000. The purpose of the Program is to provide a parking
compensation reduction program that results in payment of parking fees by state employees for
state owned or leased parking facilities (including the Signature Building) on a pre-tax basis.
The Program authorizes employees to participate in a pre-tax parking payroll deduction where
the amount of the parking deduction is not included in gross income. As a result, the
employee does not pay employment taxes for federal withholding, state withholding, OASDI, and
Medicare on the compensation reduction amount or parking fee.
In addition to parking administered by the Division of Facilities Management (DFM) or leased by the Department of Administration, other state owned or leased parking facilities may be included in the Program. Regents Institutions and other state agencies interested in having their owned or leased parking facilities in the Program should address inquiries to DFM Parking Administration and submit documentation showing the ownership or lease of the parking facilities desired for inclusion in the Program. The Program requires payroll deductions pursuant to K.S.A. 75-5535. Parking deductions pursuant to state agency payroll deduction plans authorized by K.S.A. 75-5536 do not qualify for the Program. This Program will be administered in accordance with Section 132 of the Internal Revenue Code, and any regulations promulgated thereunder, and K.S.A. 75-5535, by the Division of Facilities Management (DFM) with the advice and approval of the Director of Accounts and Reports. Savings resulting from the reduction in employer paid FICA contributions will be paid to the Department of Administration for administration of the Program. Except for parking at Board of Regents institutions, the employer contribution deduction will be distributed 4.65% for Division of Facilities Management and 3.0% for the Division of Accounts and Reports. For parking administered by Board of Regents institutions, the employer contribution will be distributed 1.0% for the Regents institution, 2.5% for the Division of Accounts and Reports and 4.15% for the Division of Facilities Management. The Program will utilize the "negative election permitted" approach. This means that employees who have parking payroll deductions in place under K.S.A. 75-5535 will automatically be enrolled in the pretax program unless the employee elects not to participate. DFM Parking Administration is responsible for notifying such employees of the opportunity to not participate in the Program. Elections not to participate shall be effective at the beginning of the next payroll period following the date the election not to participate is received by DFM Parking Administration or received by the affected Regents institution parking administration office in the case of Regents parking. The salary reduction is a fixed dollar amount as stated on the signed parking contract for the parking facility. In the event the rates change, advanced notice will be given to affected employees who will have the option to elect not to participate. The Program will be provided on a bi-weekly basis that coincides with payroll periods and will be automatically renewed for subsequent periods until a timely election not to participate is received. Compensation reduction amounts are not refundable unless a timely election not to participate is received. SHARP Agencies
The following new general deduction codes will be established in SHARP to implement the employer contribution for pre-tax parking for SHARP employees:
Regents Institutions
For questions about business process design or to submit a test file please contact Nancy Ruoff, Payroll Services at (785) 296-5369 or Questions about remittance or accounting information may be directed to Myrene Bears, Payroll Services at (785) 296-5368 or Other questions about the Parking Compensation Reduction Program may be directed to Ken Bartel, Facilities Management at (785) 296-1318 or DB:JJM:eah Attachment (.pdf)