The monthly payroll deduction for the Kansas State Employee Long-Term Care Program as
authorized by K.S.A. 75-6523 will become available with the payroll period
beginning January 7, 2001. The Long-Term Care deduction will be taken on
an after tax basis and will have the deduction code of 'LTC'. The new
deduction will also be displayed on paycheck stubs/advices and the Regent's
warrant registers as 'LTC'.
The Long-Term Care deduction will occur monthly on the first paycheck of the month. Deductions taken will be for coverage for the following month. For example, the deduction taken on the February 2, 2001 paycheck will be for the month of March 2001. Hartford Life Insurance Company will be the provider of the Kansas State Employees Long-Term Care Program. State of Kansas employees currently enrolled in the Long-Term Care Program will be receiving a letter from Hartford's Long Term Care Group (LTCG) indicating that payroll deduction is available. Included with the letter from the LTCG will be a Payroll Deduction Authorization form. Interested employees may also contact Hartford at 1-877-463-9871 to request the authorization form. Employees interested in electing the payroll deduction for the Long-Term Care Program need to complete the authorization form and return it to Hartford's Minneapolis Minnesota office. The LTCG will transmit the authorization form to the Division of Personnel Services (DPS) Benefit Unit, the first of the month following receipt of the Payroll Deduction Authorization form by LTCG. The authorization form will be accompanied by a listing of all individuals electing payroll deduction along with the amount to be deducted. The DPS Benefit Unit will verify eligibility, notify the employing agency of the payroll deduction, and enter the deduction into the SHARP system for SHARP agencies. The payroll deduction is effective the first day of the payroll period for the first paycheck of the month following transmission of the payroll deduction information to the Division of Personnel Services Benefits Unit for coverage effective the first of the month following the payroll. Regent's institutions are responsible for entering the deduction in their individual systems. The LTCG will send a confirmation statement to the participant to notify them of the payroll deduction amount and the effective date of the payroll deduction. Employees wanting to change or cancel their participation in the Long-Term Care Program will need to contact Hartford's LTCG directly and complete the change or termination paperwork. The LTCG will then forward the change or termination information to DPS Benefit Unit. The Benefit Unit will enter the change or termination data into the SHARP system, and will notify the employing agency of the change or termination. Regent's institutions are responsible for entering the change or termination information into their individual systems. Any questions regarding the plan or deduction should be directed to either the Division of Personnel Services Benefit Unit at (785) 296-6280 or the Hartford's LTCG at 1-877-463-9871. Please note that if the employee does not receive a paycheck or the employee paycheck is not large enough for the 'LTC' deduction to occur, the employee will be responsible for remitting premiums directly to Hartford in order for coverage to continue. Payroll adjustments will not be processed to collect past due premiums. This includes employees at Regents institutions who are on summer leave with benefits. The following new Department of Administration Clearing Fund has been established for Long-Term Care: 173-00-9016 (fund) - 01 (fiscal year)-9110 (budget unit)-9763 (index code). In addition, index code 9763 has been added to the STARS system for each of the Regent's Payroll Funds to record the receipt of the deduction by the individual Regent's institutions. The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Services Section will remit the monies to the LTCG for all agencies. The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Systems Team will make changes to the SHARP payroll system to implement the Long-Term Care deduction. Regent's institutions are responsible for ensuring that the Long-Term Care deduction is available on their individual systems. DB:JJM:rdb