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Accounts and Reports

INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 03-A-004 (Supplements 02-a-019)
DATE:  August 16, 2002
SUBJECT: Clarification of SB 517 Expenditure Restrictions on the Purchase of Office Furniture and Office Equipment and Personal Computers, Servers and Other Computer Equipment
EFFECTIVE DATE:   Immediately
A & R CONTACT: Jo Ann Remp (785) 296-2277 (JoAnn.Remp@da.state.ks.us)
Randy Kennedy (785) 296-2125   (Randy.Kennedy@da.state.ks.us)
Leroy Charbonneau (785) 296-2255 (Leroy.Charbonneau@da.state.ks.us)
Shirley Gilchrist (785) 296-2882 (Shirley.Gilchrist@da.state.ks.us)
Mark Handshy (785) 296-7021 (Mark.Handshy@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: This information is intended to clarify and further define the expenditure restrictions imposed by Section 169 of Senate Bill 517.

Section 169 of 2002 Senate Bill 517 authorizes a number of restrictions on expenditures for FY 2003. Among those restrictions are those concerning the purchase of office furniture and office equipment, and also personal computers, servers, and other computer equipment, from monies appropriated from the State General Fund for FY 2003. Since our original informational circular (02-A-019) was issued, further discussions have occurred with staff in the Revisor of Statutes Office and the Division of Budget regarding the implementation of these particular restrictions. The following additional guidance is provided to assist your agency in complying with the provisions of SB 517.

Office Furniture and Equipment

No expenditures are allowed from monies appropriated from the State General Fund for any state agency during FY 2003 for purchase of office furniture and office equipment. This restriction is NOT limited to only those purchases coded as expenditure subobject code 403X. A list of items that are typically coded in the 3XXX series that are considered to be office furniture and office equipment is included as an attachment to this document. This list should not be considered all-inclusive. Generally, items consumed as they are used, or small office supplies, may continue to be purchased with State General Fund appropriations.

If your agency has ordered items included on the attached list that are to be paid from the State General Fund, and that have not been delivered, you should attempt to cancel the order if possible. If you are unable to cancel, then the face of the payment voucher must contain a statement indicating that the items were on order prior to the issuance of this informational circular.

If your agency is purchasing office equipment with State General Fund appropriations on a SOKI interfund, you must include a statement that the purchases included on the document are in compliance with Informational Circular 03-A-004.

Exceptions are allowed for purchases of office furniture and office equipment from the Correctional Industries program of the Department of Corrections. Purchases of office furniture and equipment from funds other than the State General Fund are not affected by this restriction.

Personal Computers, Servers and Other Computer Equipment

No expenditures are allowed from any monies appropriated from the State General Fund for any state agency during FY 2003 for purchases of personal computers, servers or any other computer equipment other than through existing statewide purchasing contracts entered into by the Director of Purchases. Exceptions are provided to this restriction if an agency has advised and consulted with the Joint Committee on Information Technology and upon approval of the State Finance Council. Purchases of personal computers, servers and other computer equipment from funds other than the State General Fund are not affected by this restriction. Vouchers submitted for purchase of these items from non-contract vendors without State Finance Council approval, regardless of dollar amount, will be returned to the agency unpaid.


Attachment: Specific Items that Cannot be Purchased from BFY 2003 State General Fund Appropriations