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Accounts and Reports

INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 03-A-012 (Supplements 03-a-006 and 03-a-008)
DATE:  December 16, 2002
SUBJECT: Outlaw Warrant Process
EFFECTIVE DATE:   Immediately
A & R CONTACT: Nickie Roberts   (785) 296-7917   (nickie.roberts@da.state.ks.us)
Tim Hund (785) 368-6347 (tim.hund@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Changes in Outlaw Warrant Process

Since October, the Division of Accounts and Reports has implemented several changes to the outlaw warrant process as previously communicated in Informational Circular's 03-A-006 and 03-A-008. While these changes have been helpful in making this process more efficient, we are initiating further improvements in this process effective with January 2003 business.

Currently, the Division of Accounts and Reports notifies agencies via e-mail regarding any warrants remaining outstanding after 10 months if the amount of the warrant is greater than $1,000. This notice gives the agency an opportunity to review the payment and determine whether a replacement warrant should be issued or whether the warrant should be outlawed.

This e-mail notification process is being discontinued. Beginning in January 2003, and monthly thereafter, the Office of the State Treasurer will make a listing available of all warrants remaining outstanding after 10 months for your agency, regardless of the amount, at http://kst.state.ks.us/cgi-win/warr10_1.kst. This listing will not include voucher numbers associated with the individual warrants, so you will need to continue to access STARS for this information as outlined in Informational Circular 03-A-008. The potential outlawed warrants information will generally be available to agencies on the 5th business day of each month, and will be available until the next month's list is loaded.

As a process enhancement, the Office of the State Treasurer will also make available a list of the warrants that were actually outlawed for your agency each month. Again, this is effective with the warrants outlawed in January 2003 (those with warrant issue dates on or prior to December 31, 2001). You may access this information at  http://kst.state.ks.us/cgi-win/warr12_1.kst. The outlawed warrant information will also generally be available to agencies on the 5th business day of each month, and will remain available until the next month's outlawed warrant processing occurs.

To access either the 10-month listing or the outlawed warrant listing, you will need a user id and password. We will forward this information to your agency's Controller/Business Manager/Lead Accountant via e-mail. The recipient should then distribute this information to the appropriate individual(s) within each agency.

Dates on which files will be available at the above locations for outlawed warrants (both the 10-month listing and the outlawed warrants listing) during fiscal year-end close in June and July of each year will be included in the annual fiscal year-end informational circular.
