Attached are the SHARP bi-weekly
on-cycle and off-cycle schedules for January through June
2003. The processing schedule is only being produced for the
first half of the year due to the implementation of SHARP
v8.0 which is planned for the first paycheck issued in Fiscal
Year 2004 (July 3, 2003). The implementation of SHARP
v8.0 is not anticipated to impact the SHARP
processing timelines; however, the Division is waiting on
the results of performance and system testing for v8.0 before
issuing the SHARP v8.0 processing schedules.
The attached schedules provide important information regarding the critical payroll processing deadlines for each bi-weekly payroll period and reflect the extended hours of the on-line SHARP system to 6:00 p.m. Please note, however, that the times for receiving interface files remain unchanged (either 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 a.m.). Agency personnel responsible for payroll processing will need to ensure that all appropriate information is entered or submitted by the cutoff dates indicated on the schedules to ensure timely issuance of pay for their employees. Time and leave interface agencies, please note that time and leave files for the payroll period ending December 21, 2002 are due Friday, December 20, 2002. SHARP off-cycle payrolls will generally be processed each Monday and every other Wednesday night and will include all activity entered into SHARP since the last off-cycle payroll. If a holiday occurs on a Monday or Wednesday, the off-cycle payroll will normally be rescheduled to occur on the following business day. Payroll payments resulting from the first off-cycle for the payroll period (Run A) will be issued with the same paycheck/direct deposit date as the on-cycle pay date for the payroll period. Payroll payments resulting from the remaining off-cycles (Runs B & C) will normally be dated three working days from the date the off-cycle was processed. SHARP agencies have until 6:00 p.m. on Mondays and every other Wednesday to enter adjustments and/or supplemental data into SHARP for processing in that night's off-cycle payroll. Off-cycle payrolls for Regents' institutions are also normally scheduled for each Monday and every other Wednesday night. Regents' institutions generally have until 5:00 p.m. on Fridays and every other Tuesday to submit off-cycle payroll interface files. The Division of Accounts and Reports must approve all interface files for processing by 5:00 p.m. on the following Monday or every other Wednesday for the files to be processed in that night's off-cycle payroll. Regents' off-cycle payrolls will be issued with the same check/advice date as the SHaRP off-cycle processed the same night. DB:JJM:rdb attachment: SHARP bi-weekly on-cycle and off-cycle schedules for January through June 2003 (.pdf)