Payroll Services has been notified that the bank account and routing number
for processing the voluntary tax sheltered annuity remittance wire transfer to
ING (VTSA #024) has changed. The new account/routing numbers are effective for
all wire transfers made on or after May 9, 2003. Each Regents Institution
should have already received correspondence from ING advising them of the new
banking information. If no correspondence has been received, Regents can
contact Abby Moore in Payroll Services to obtain the banking information to be
used for the wire transfer.
Vendor number 710294708-01 in STARS has been updated to reflect the new bank information. The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Systems Team is responsible for making any necessary updates to the SHARP payroll system. Regents' institutions are responsible for ensuring these changes are reflected in their individual systems. DB:JJM:rdb