State general funding was not appropriated for the State Treasurer's Office for fiscal year
2004. In its place Senate Substitute for House Bill No. 2444, § 65, authorizes the State Treasurer
to charge fees in order to be reimbursed for services provided. In order to meet the cost accounting
needs related to these fees and the statewide cost allocation plan requirements under the federal
Office of Management and Budget Information Circular A-87 guidelines, four new expenditure sub-object
codes are being established under the category "Fees-Other Services" as follows:
Please Note: During FY 2004, 50% of the Non-Payroll Warrant/Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Fees will be federally allowable (ESO 2694) and 50% will be federally unallowable (ESO 2695). The State Treasurer's Office FY 2004 Estimated Fee Schedule may be accessed at; Questions regarding these fees should be directed to Peggy Hanna at the State Treasurer's Office by e-mail address,, or by phone at (785) 296-5464. These additional expenditure sub-object codes will be reflected in the Uniform Expenditure Classification of Expenditure Sub-object Codes filing (PPM No. 7,002) on the Division of Accounts and Reports web site DB:pk