Pursuant to a memorandum from the Division of Facilities Management dated May 18,
2006, parking in the flat surface lots in the Capitol Complex will be free and deductions
will no longer be taken for the following lots:
This change is effective for the payroll period beginning June 4, 2006 through June 17, 2006, paid June 30, 2006 because parking is prepaid and the June 30, 2006 paycheck covers parking for the period July 2, 2006 through July 15, 2006. Therefore, employees assigned to the above noted surface lots will no longer have a parking deduction effective with their June 30, 2006 paychecks. No action is required by agencies to implement this change. The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Systems Team, is responsible for making this change in the SHARP system. RLM:JJM:kao