Please be advised that the Kansas chapter of International Association of Workforce
Professionals (IAWP) is closing effective January 1, 2007. Payroll deductions for
this organization (ORG980) should be discontinued effective with the payroll period beginning
December 17, 2006 and ending December 30, 2006, paid January 12, 2007. The
paychecks issued December 29, 2006 are the last paychecks for which deductions will be
made for deduction code ‘ORG980’. Agencies should enter a new-effective
dated row of December 17, 2006 on the general deduction page for deduction code ‘ORG980’ which
reflects a deduction end date of December 17, 2006 for all employees in their agency who
have active enrollments with this organizational dues company.
Regent’s institutions are responsible for ensuring this change is reflected in their individual systems and is effective for paychecks issued on or after January 12, 2007. RLM:JJM:ewb