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Accounts and Reports

DATE:  November 13, 2007
SUBJECT: Elimination of the State of Kansas Paycard Program Enrollment Fee
EFFECTIVE DATE:   October 4 , 2007
A & R CONTACT: Sunni Zentner     (785) 296-7058  (Sunni.Zentner@da.ks.gov)
APPROVAL: Kent E. Olson
SUMMARY: Changes to the State of Kansas Paycard Program Account Agreement

In accordance with HB 2316, Session 2007 which amended KSA 44-314, the $ 3.50 enrollment fee has been eliminated from the State of Kansas Paycard Program effective October 4, 2007. Other changes to the Skylight Debit Card Account Agreement are as follows:

1) A free VISA upgrade will be offered to existing accountholders.
2) All new enrollees will receive a free VISA upgrade upon their first deposit.

The amended fee schedule is posted to the A&R website at www.da.ks.gov/ar/payroll under the State of Kansas Paycard Program, Account Fees link.