Informational Circular 00-P-020 identifies the minimum collection procedures required before an arrearage can be determined to be uncollectible. A one-time exception to these procedures has been granted by the Director of Accounts and Reports only for the arrearages less than or equal to $25 created due to the recent adjustments required to record the fringe benefit income for the gift cards received for completion of the Personal Health Assessment. For arrearages less than or equal to $25 which were created as a result of a gift card fringe benefit transaction, it is at the agency’s discretion to choose to either pursue collection from the employee or write off the arrearage amount. The write off can be accomplished by immediately notifying the Director of Accounts and Reports of the arrearages which should be written off based on the agency determination that it is not cost effective to pursue recovery for the arrearage. For all non-gift card arrearages, and for all gift card arrearages greater than $25, the policies and procedures of Informational Circular 00-P-020 remain in effect. KEO:NTR:ccl