Article 6, Section 2 of the Kansas Organization of State Employees (KOSE) Memorandum of Agreement with the State of Kansas authorizes voluntary contributions to the Union’s Political Action Committees (PAC) which include the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees PEOPLE and the American Federation of Teachers COPE Committees. Therefore, a new, after-tax, deduction code, ORG501, is being added in SHARP effective with the payroll period beginning April 19, 2009 and ending May 2, 2009, paid May 15, 2009 to accommodate the payroll deductions of voluntary contributions to these Committees. The fund/index combination for the new deduction code will be Fund 9084, Index 9710 which is the same fund/index combination used for Organization Dues deductions. Additionally, participating employees will see the description “ORG PAC – KOSE 501” printed on their paystubs or “ORG PAC” as the description in self-service for this new deduction. All PAC contribution enrollment/cancellation forms will be provided by the Committees and/or KOSE. Normally, these enrollment forms are completed and submitted directly to KOSE by the employee. KOSE then forwards copies of the enrollment forms to John Yeary in the Labor Relations office of the Department of Administration for entry into SHARP. Under normal processing procedures for PAC enrollment forms, agencies will not receive copies of the authorization forms. To expedite the cancellation process, the KOSE PEOPLE/COPE cancellation form instructs employees to submit the cancellation form to their agency payroll officer. All KOSE PAC cancellation forms and any PAC enrollment forms received by agency personnel should be forwarded to Labor Relations for processing at the following address: Labor Relations Labor Relations will forward any enrollment/cancellation forms received to KOSE PEOPLE/COPE following SHARP entry. Questions regarding an employee’s payroll deduction for PAC should be directed to John Yeary using the contact information noted above. The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Systems Team is responsible for making this deduction code update in the SHARP system. The Division of Accounts and Reports, Reconciliation and Remittance Team will be responsible for the remittance of the deductions to KOSE.