Executive Order 09-08 establishes a leave advancement policy whereby agency appointing authorities may provide paid leave to employees who have exhausted their own accrued leave not to exceed the amount of hours the employee is regularly scheduled to work in a bi-weekly pay period in order to remain in pay status while staying away from the workplace due to possible infection with the H1N1 flu virus, or for other circumstances where the appointing authority believes the granting of such leave would be in the best interests of the State of Kansas. To administer the Leave Advancement policy, two new earnings codes will be established in the SHARP system effective October 18, 2009. The following earnings codes are eligible to be used starting with the pay period beginning October 18, 2009 through October 31, 2009 paid November 13, 2009.
AVD should be used for Hourly employees and AVE for Salaried employees. For information on the specific procedures of using these new earnings codes, agencies should refer to the Division of Personnel Bulletin 09-05 found at the following link: http://da.ks.gov/ps/documents/bulletins/default.htm The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Systems Team, is responsible for adding these new earnings codes in the SHARP system. Regents’ institutions are responsible for implementing the new earnings codes in their payroll systems. KEO:NTR:ewb