STARS The vendors in STARS at the end of day on June 4 will be converted to SMART. June 5, and thereafter, agencies will not have access to add or change vendors in STARS. At that point Accounts and Reports will begin dual maintenance of STARS and SMART vendors. This is a very labor intensive process, so please make every effort to input your vendors by the end of the day on June 4. If you have a new vendor (not in STARS), submit a W9 to Accounts and Reports to add the vendor to STARS and SMART. If you have a new address (for an existing vendor in STARS), submit a TM 21 and a copy of the invoice (or other documentation showing change), i.e. a letter from company, mailing envelope, etc. For agencies that upload vendors via data-set, please attempt to complete them on or before June 4. If you find it necessary to upload vendor datasets in the period June 5 through June 29, then in addition to transmitting the file in the usual manner for entry into STARS, you will also need to complete an EXCEL template with all the relevant SMART Vendor data elements and E-mail it to and so those records can be entered in SMART. If you need a copy of this template, contact Shelly or Velvet. SMART On July 1 for fiscal year 2011, agencies will be responsible for entering new vendors in SMART. Vendor records may be entered online unless your agency has been previously approved to use an interface for this purpose. When you enter the vendor you must have a W-9 in hand (W-8 for foreign vendors), and must retain it at your site. In SMART you will affirm that you have the W-9 in hand. The vendor will be in ”unapproved” status until it is approved by Accounts and Reports. Please review Policy and Procedure File 11,749 Vendor Numbers (this in the process of being revised for SMART. Any changes to SMART vendors, including new addresses, will be entered by Accounts and Reports. Please submit a SMART Vendor Maintenance Form (the form name and number is still in development) and a copy of the invoice (or other documentation showing change) to Accounts and Reports, i.e. a letter from company, mailing envelope, etc.