With the implementation of SMART, the Department of Administration has been reviewing its statutory directives, along with statewide programs centrally administered, in order to re-organize these functions into the best support organization possible. Two of these areas are the P-Card and Travel Card programs. Effective June 14, 2010, the management of the State Procurement Card (P-Card) and Travel Card programs will be transferred from the Division of Accounts and Reports (A&R) to the Division of Purchases.
Tim Hund’s contact information will remain unchanged:
Jill Martin’s contact information is:
In addition, beginning June 14, the Division of Purchases mailing address and FAX are to be used for any P-Card and Travel Card program written correspondence: Division of Purchases For additional P-Card program changes related to the SMART implementation, see Informational Circular 10-a-010, found at: http://www.da.ks.gov/ar/infocirc/fy2010/ic10a010.htm. KEO:TH