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Accounts and Reports

DATE:  June 25, 2010

Organization Dues and United Way Fees in Employee General Deduction

EFFECTIVE DATE:   July 1, 2010

Janice Wolfley

(785) 296-3699

(Janice.Wolfley@da.ks.gov )


Organization Dues and United Way Fees in Employee General Deduction

Agencies are reminded that the integration of SHaRP and SMART now requires that the processing fee for United Way and Organizational Dues deductions be maintained in SHaRP as a separate general deduction code. The SHaRP conversion that occurred June 20-21 updated all existing employee general deduction rows for this change.

Going forward, agency personnel who enter organizational dues enrollments for their agency must now remember to enter a corresponding effective dated ORFXXX general deduction row when enrolling an employee in an organizational dues deduction (XXX represents the specific organizational dues number). For example, if an employee is being enrolled in ORG001, a corresponding effective dated general deduction row of ORF001 must also be entered with the Deduction Calculation Routine set to “Default to Deduction Table”.

In addition, agency personnel must now remember to enter a corresponding deduction end date on both the ORGXXX and ORFXXX general deduction row to stop an organizational dues deduction and fee.

The United Way fee rows will be established by a centrally run batch process following the completion of the annual United Way enrollment process. Agency personnel will continue to enter the United Way transactions, as they have in the past, by entering the total authorized deduction amount during the United Way enrollment period. Once the United Way agency entry period is completed, a centrally run batch process will establish the UTFXXX general deduction row and reduce the UTDXXX general deduction amount by $.06. The total donation amount authorized for deduction by the employee will continue to be reported on the employee’s W-2 form for tax purposes.

If an employee enrolls in United Way at any other time during the year, the agency will need to enter the authorized deduction amount less the $.06 fee for the UTDXXX code on the general deduction data, and establish a corresponding effective dated UTFXXX row with the Deduction Calculation Routine Set to “Default to Deduction Table”. If an employee requests during the year that their United Way deduction be ended early, agency personnel must remember to insert a deduction end date on both the UTDXXX and UTFXXX general deduction row.

Please note, if an employee participates in more than one Organization Dues or United Way deduction, a corresponding ORF/UTF general deduction row is required for each.
