In an effort to reduce the time and effort required of Regents and SHARP agency personnel as well as Payroll Services staff at the end of the calendar year, the 2011 W-2 production reports will be produced throughout the calendar year. By producing the reports on a scheduled basis during the year, the work associated with identifying and correcting errors/address problems can be more evenly distributed. The following is a list of the dates the 2011 W-2 production reports are scheduled to be generated: Friday, February 18, 2011 Agencies should anticipate finding copies of the KTXPR55 and TAX910ER reports in their agency mailbox on the MVS on the first working day following the above listed scheduled dates. Errors appearing on TAX910ER for SHARP agencies will be monitored and corrected by Accounts and Reports. Regent’s institutions are responsible for monitoring and correcting their own errors in a timely manner. No action is required by the agency on the KTXPR55. Once the W-2’s for 2011 are complete, a final KTXPR55 report will be generated for each agency’s information and review. In addition, the Regent’s institutions will receive the report TAX900 in their agency mailbox on the MVS. The TAX900 report should be thoroughly reviewed and any correcting transactions processed timely. It will continue to be the Regent’s responsibility to use the Management Reporting Interface file (MRI) to reconcile the year-to-date amounts in SHARP to the year-to-date amounts in their individual payroll systems. KEO:NTR:kao