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Accounts and Reports


DATE:  July 6, 2011
SUBJECT: Addition of Earnings Code for Settlement Pay-No KPERS
EFFECTIVE DATE:   July 10, 2011

Earl Brynds

(785) 296-5376




Addition of Earnings Code ‘STP’ for Settlement Pay-No KPERS


A recent KPERS interpretation of KSA 74-4902(33) in regard to the KPERS eligible salary definition stipulates that salary shall not include severance/settlement pay or any other payments to the member determined by the board to not be payments for personal services performed.  Currently, there is no settlement type pay earnings code set up in SHARP that is not subject to KPERS.


Therefore, a new earnings code has been added to SHARP effective July 10, 2011 to administer the Settlement Pay-No KPERS earnings.  The following earnings code is eligible to be used starting with the pay period beginning July 10, 2011 through July 23, 2011 paid August  5, 2011.


Earnings Code Description Short Description Effective Date
Settlement Pay-No KPERS


STP is an Amounts Only earnings code and any settlement pay earnings distributed by its use will not be subject to KPERS.  The Settlement Pay earnings code should only be used for negotiated compensation settlements.

Time and Labor agencies: The Division of Personnel Services has created a corresponding STP (Settlement Pay-No KPERS) Time Reporting Code (TRC) to coincide with the STP Earnings Code.  It is also effective July 10, 2011.

The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Systems Team, is responsible for adding the new earnings code in the SHARP system.  Regents’ institutions are responsible for implementing the new earnings code in their payroll systems.