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Accounts and Reports


DATE:  October 27, 2011
SUBJECT: Terminated/Retired Employee Self Service Access Changes
EFFECTIVE DATE:   Immediately

Kathy Ogle 

(785) 296-2290



Nancy Ruoff

(Original Signature on File)


Request W-2 Reissue access in Employee Self Service has been extended for terminated and retired users.

Changes have been made in SHARP to allow retired and terminated Employee Self Service (ESS) users access to ESS for longer than 30 days for the purpose of requesting the reissue of W-2 duplicates.  Retired/terminated employees will continue to have full ESS access for 30 days after their termination effective date.  After 30 days, these users will be given a new limited security role which is restricted to two ESS links:  Update My Profile and Request W-2 Reissue.  These users may access these two links for 18 months from their termination effective date, at which time all access will be terminated.  The changes to ESS access for 18 months following retirement/termination is effective for any employee who was active in the SHARP payroll system as of September 16, 2011 and becomes inactive after that date.

Reissue requests for W-2 duplicates for the most recent 5 years will be available through Employee Self Service.  Currently reissue requests for 2006-2010 are available through ESS.  Reissue requests from 2002 up to the most recent five years (currently 2002-2005) must continue to be requested through Payroll Services.  W-2 duplicates are no longer available for calendar years prior to 2002.

Agencies should inform employees upon their retirement/termination that they have the ability to request a duplicate W-2 themselves for 18 months after their termination effective date.  ESS may be accessed through the Self Service Center website located at www.kansas.gov/employee by clicking the Employee Self Service hyperlink located on the right side of the page.  The Self Service Center is available anytime except during daily routine systems maintenance from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. CT and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon CT.  A Desk Aid that explains the procedures for requesting a duplicate W-2 from ESS is attached and may be distributed to retiring/terminating employees.  It is also available on the Self Service Center website. If the past employee does not remember their password at any time during this 18 month period, a 'Forgot Your Password Tutorial' is also available on the Self Service Center website.  Other resources available on this website that may be of interest are 'Employee Self Service Center – Frequently Asked Questions' and 'Request W-2 Reissue FAQ's'.

The changes to SHARP ESS access have been completed and are effective immediately.  Because the Request W-2 Reissue section is available to employees of both SHARP agencies and Regent's institutions, all retiring/terminating employees should be informed of the extended ESS access to request duplicate W-2s.

