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Accounts and Reports


DATE:  January 22, 2013                          

SHARP 9.1 Upgrade and Key Payroll Processing Dates in February 2013


EFFECTIVE DATE:   Februrary, 2013

Earl Brynds


(785) 296-5376





Nancy Ruoff

(Original Signature on File)


SHARP 9.1 Upgrade-Payroll Changes and Impact on Payroll Processing Dates in February 2013


This informational circular will discuss key dates and payroll changes in SHARP as a result of the transition to the SHARP version 9.1 Upgrade. On-cycle and off-cycle dates have been changed in February in order to accommodate the transition to v9.1. Please review carefully the information contained in this circular and in the calendar attached.

Due to the SHARP 9.1 Upgrade, scheduled to begin Friday night, February 8, 2013, changes are required to the ‘normal’ payroll processing schedule. Agencies are asked to note the payroll processing schedule due dates, some of which are occurring on a different day of the week than normally scheduled.

Friday, February 1, 2013
Payday for the payroll period ending January 19, 2013.

Regents’ Run C off-cycle payroll files for the period ending January 19, 2013 must be received by the Department of Administration by 4:00 PM on February 1, 2013.

Monday, February 4, 2013
The Run C off-cycle for the period ending January 19, 2013 will be processed February 4, 2013. SHARP Time and Leave/Time and Labor agencies have until 6:00 PM on this date to enter supplemental and/or adjustment run controls for the Run C off-cycle. For Time and Labor agencies, all employees’ reported time must be entered (and approved if applicable) by 3:30 PM. Payable time must be approved by 6:00 PM. Paychecks for the Run C off-cycle will be dated February 7, 2013.

Paysheets for the on-cycle payroll for the period ending February 2, 2013 will be created on Monday, February 4, 2013. For Time and Leave agencies, all job actions (i.e., promotions, terminations, new hires, leave of absences, step increases, etc.) must be entered by 6:00 PM on February 4, 2013 in order to be reflected on the paysheets for this period.

The first on-cycle preliminary pay calculation for the period ending February 2, 2013 will also occur February 4, 2013; therefore, for Time and Leave agencies, all employees’ time and leave data must be entered into SHARP and designated ‘OK to Process’ by 6:00 PM in order for a paycheck record to be created. For Time and Labor agencies, all employees’ reported time must be entered (and approved if applicable) into SHARP by 3:30 PM. After Time Administration runs at 3:30 PM, payable time must be approved by 6:00 PM, on February 4, 2013 in order for a paycheck record to be created. Please note that there will be only two SHARP on-cycle preliminary payroll calculations for the pay period ending February 2, 2013.

Time and Leave/Time and Labor interface agencies can submit time and leave files for the period ending February 2, 2013 to the Department of Administration for processing by 7:30 a.m. to be processed at 7:45 a.m. or by noon to be processed at 12:30 p.m. on February 4, 2013.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
The second on-cycle preliminary pay calculation for the period ending February 2, 2013 will occur February 5, 2013. Regents’ on-cycle payroll files for the period ending February 2, 2013 are due to the Department of Administration by 4:00 PM on February 5, 2013. (These files would normally be due Thursday, February 7, 2013.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Final pay confirmation for the on-cycle payroll for the period ending February 2, 2013 will occur February 6, 2013. (Final pay confirmation would normally occur Friday, February 8, 2013).
For Time and Leave agencies, all employees’ time and leave records must be ‘OK to Process’, and for Time and Labor agencies, all employees’ payable time must be approved, by 6:00 PM on February 6, 2013 in order for a paycheck record to be created. All deduction and tax data changes must be entered by 6:00 PM on February 6, 2013 in order to be reflected in the final paycheck created for the employee.

Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Regents’ on-cycle files for the period ending February 2, 2013 will be processed.

Regents’ Run A off-cycle payroll files for the period ending February 2, 2013 must be received by the Department of Administration by 4:00 PM on February 7, 2013. (These files would normally be due Friday, February 8, 2013.)

Friday, February 8, 2013
The Run A off-cycle for the period ending February 2, 2013 will be processed February 8, 2013. (This off-cycle would normally be scheduled for Monday, February 11, 2013.) SHARP Time and Leave/Time and Labor agencies have until 6:00 PM on this date to enter supplemental and/or adjustment run controls for the Run A off-cycle. For Time and Labor agencies, all employees’ reported time must be entered (and approved if applicable) by 3:30 PM. Payable time must be approved by 6:00 PM. Paychecks for the Run A off-cycle will be dated February 15, 2013. NOTE: This off-cycle is the final payroll cycle run in v8.9.

Saturday, February 9, 2013
SHARP system shut down. Data conversion for transition to v9.1 begins.

Monday, February 11, 2013
SHARP system open to core users only for validation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
SHARP system open to all users.

The Run B off-cycle for the period ending February 2, 2013 normally processed on Wednesday, February 13 is cancelled.

Thursday, February 14, 2013
Normal Payroll Processing Schedule resumes.

Friday, February 15, 2013
Payday for the payroll period ending February 2, 2013.

Regents’ Run C off-cycle payroll files for the period ending February 2, 2013 must be received by the Department of Administration by 4:00 PM on February 15, 2013.

Monday, February 18, 2013
The Run C off-cycle for the period ending February 2, 2013 will be processed February 18, 2013. Paychecks for the Run C off-cycle will be dated February 21, 2013.
Note: This is the first payroll processed in v9.1.

Attached is a partial month calendar for the month of February 2013, which highlights key payroll processing activity around the dates of the upgrade. The attached calendar is intended for use as a supplementary reference tool only; it does not contain the level of detail that is included in the narrative portion of this circular.

Please note the changes to the payroll processing schedule and adjust your schedules accordingly. If it becomes necessary to change any of the payroll processing dates identified above, notification of the change will be provided to all subscribers of the SHARP Infolist. SHARP users interested in subscribing to the Infolist, but who have not yet done so, can subscribe at http://www.da.ks.gov/sharp/infolist.htm.

Additional Key Payroll Changes for Transition to 9.1
As a result of the SHARP 9.1 upgrade, the following is a summary of additional key Payroll/Time and Labor changes that are being implemented in SHARP effective beginning February 13, 2013.

Time and Labor

• The old custom Time and Leave system will be discontinued and all remaining agencies will be reporting employees’ time through the Time and Labor module (Currently 11 agencies already use the Time and Labor module).

• Agencies utilizing Employee Self Service (ESS) time reporting are encouraged to have employees review their default ESS time document following go-live. Please do not request that all employees from an agency access ESS at once to review the information but rather stagger the number of employees accessing ESS for timesheet review/reporting throughout the days of Wed., Feb. 13th –Fri., Feb. 15th.

• Time Administration runs in Time and Labor to create payable time. It is imperative for agencies to understand that payable time must be approved by agency staff with the Agency Time and Labor HR role before it can be processed by payroll. Approved payable time from Time and Labor will load into payroll.

• Both exempt and non-exempt employees will report time using the same Time and Labor Time Reporting Codes (TRC). A complete listing of the crosswalk for the new leave codes that exempts should use can be found at “Time and Labor Salaried Leave TRC Crosswalk” on the SHARP website referenced above under the “Time and Labor Documents” section.

• Time Reporting Codes map to Earnings Codes used in Payroll. Regular pay will be captured in the ‘Other Earnings’ section of the employee paycheck view and the PAY002 report instead of in the ‘Earnings’ section. A new earnings code ‘RE1’ will be used for regular pay for both exempt and non-exempt employees.

• Some Time and Labor agencies will be utilizing the Labor Distribution functionality of Time and Labor. Payable time is sent to payroll; when the labor distribution process runs, payable and non-payable time (if applicable) are allocated based on percentages that are entered for agency project task profiles in Time and Labor.

It is very important for agencies to NOT update any of their task profile information after pay calculation has begun for a pay period as it could result in pay errors.

All task profile allocation percentages should not be less than 3% when setting up task profiles. These allocations can be viewed in the ‘Other Earnings’ section of the employee paycheck view and on the PAY002 report.


Non-Pay Affecting Adjustments

• Adjustments to employees’ previous timesheets that result in a zero net pay change will be processed in the first payroll on-cycle or off-cycle following the change to the timesheet. Time adjustment changes (such as vacation to sick) or funding adjustments can be entered on a previous timesheet(s) to process through payroll.

• A new payroll error message (number 100007) will be generated if the adjustment does not net to zero and the change will not be processed in the payroll cycle.

• Multiple non-pay affecting corrections can be made to the same employee timesheet or to multiple prior pay period timesheets in the same payroll cycle.

• Any changes made on the timesheets must be approved after the Time Administration process runs in order to flow through to payroll.

KPAYWAGE and PAY011 Reports


• The KPAYWAGE report is being discontinued and will no longer be run. Agencies should use the KPAYGL5C file to manage salary information as published in informational circular 12-P-026. Please contact Lisa Kraus at (785) 296-3699 or Lisa.Kraus@da.ks.gov for questions regarding the KPAYGL5C file.

• Agencies will no longer be able to run the PAY011-Payroll Error Messages report on-line after the conversion to SHARP 9.1. Agencies can access a copy of the PAY011 after each payroll calc in the agency MVS directory. Agencies are reminded that they should save the report to a secure directory since the MVS reports are accessible for 30 days only.

Direct Deposit Maximum Accounts

The maximum number of direct deposit accounts for an employee’s pay increases from 9 to 10. Any employees choosing to deposit their pay in 10 direct deposit accounts must fill out a revised DA-184 form. For questions on direct deposit and access to the DA-184 form, refer to the Department of Administration Payroll website at http://www.da.ks.gov/ar/payroll/payforms.htm under the Payroll Procedures & Forms section, Direct Deposit Procedures link and Direct Deposit Questions and Answers link.



