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Payroll Services

Paycheck Stop Payment Request Procedures
and Form Completion Instructions

  • The Paycheck Stop Payment Request, Form DA-6P, must be completed and have the approval of the State Treasurer's Office prior to processing any Paycheck Reversal or Paycheck Reprint.
  • The Form DA-6P, Paycheck Stop Payment Request, can be found on the Accounts and Reports Forms Page in either .pdf format (requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader be installed on your PC) or as a PC fillable Excel file (requiring Excel be installed on your PC).
  • Completed forms should be faxed to the Warrant Section of the State Treasurer's Office at (785) 296-2014.
  • Instructions for processing the Paycheck Reversal and Paycheck Reprint can be found on the website on the Accounts and Reports Payroll Procedures page.


  • Agency No. - Enter the three-digit agency number.
  • Requested by - Enter the name of the agency official making the stop payment request.
  • Date - Enter the current date.
  • Fax # - Enter the agency's fax number where the approved DA-6P should be sent by the State Treasurer's Office.
  • Check One - Enter an "X" in the appropriate box(es).

    • A Reprint will replace the original paycheck that was not received by the employee for a variety of reasons. Except for a new check number and issue date, the new paycheck will look exactly like the original paycheck including the employee name and address. For address changes you must process a reversal and supplemental. If Reprint is selected, you must also check the reason for the reprint: lost, stolen, destroyed or was not received by employee.
    • A Reversal cancels the original paycheck without issuing a new or replacement paycheck. The reversed paycheck will be listed on both the off-cycle PAY002, Paycheck Register, and the KPAYWAGE with negative amounts. A supplemental may be created to replace a reversed paycheck. Procedures for processing a supplemental can be found on the Division of Account and Reports, Payroll website.

PAYCHECK INFORMATION (Note: The PAY004, Payroll Check Register, can be used to obtain most of the following information that's needed.)

  • Paycheck Number - Enter the original paycheck number that is to be reprinted or reversed.
  • Original Issue Date - The issue date of the original paycheck that is to be reprinted or reversed.
  • Payee Name - The employee's name as it appears on the paycheck.
  • Address - The employee's payroll mailing address.
  • Paycheck Net Amount - The amount of the original paycheck. If the original paycheck was both a check and advice, enter only the amount on the check portion.
  • Agency Contact - The person at the agency who should be contacted if the State Treasurer's Office has questions regarding the request.
  • Telephone Number - List the telephone number for the agency contact person.
  • Reprint Check # - The number of the reprinted check. This information will not be available until after the reprint is processed in an off-cycle run. The information is available on-line only. See the Reprint Procedures on the Division of Accounts & Reports, Payroll website for instructions to find the new check number.
  • Issue Date of Reprint - The issue date of the reprinted check.  This information will not be available until after the reprint is processed in an off-cycle run. The information is available on-line only. See the Reprint Procedures on the Division of Accounts & Reports, Payroll website for instructions to find the new check issue date.


  • Summarize the funding of the original paycheck by fund totals. Enter the fund totals in fund number order. 
  • The funding information can be found in Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data USA > View Detail Ledger.
    • Enter the paycheck number in the Paycheck Number box and click on "Search".
    • It may be easier to find all the necessary information by clicking on "View All".
    • The funding lines that are needed will have the transaction code 745. The total of the lines with the transaction code 745 should equal the net pay of the paycheck. You may need to scroll to find all of the funding lines.
    • Add together multiple lines from the same fund.
    • If you need assistance in obtaining the funding information, please contact the Payroll Services Team at (785) 296-2311.
  • Agency # - The three digit agency number that corresponds with the agency fund information. Normally this is the requesting agency's number. In some cases it may be a different agency number such as retirement leave payouts that are funded by the Department of Administration.
  • BFY - The Budget Fiscal Year of the original paycheck. This information is also in Payroll for North America>Employee Pay Data USA>View Detail Ledger at the top of the page, labeled as "FY".
  • Fund # - The fund obtained from Payroll for North America>Employee Pay Data USA>View Detail Ledger.
  • Total per Fund - The amount that corresponds with the agency number and fund number. The sum of all the amounts listed on the Total per Fund lines should be equal to the amount listed previously under Paycheck Net Amount in the Paycheck Information section.


  • The completed form should be faxed to the State Treasurer's Office at (785) 296-2014.
  • The State Treasurer's Office will then either approve or disapprove the stop payment and fax the form back to the requesting agency at the fax number provided on the form DA-6P.
  • The agency may then take the necessary action and enter the reprint or reversal in the SHARP system. Refer to the Accounts and Reports Payroll Procedures for guidance in processing these transactions.
  • If the stop payment was denied, the agency will need to follow the procedure set forth in the Policy and Procedure Manual, File 11,963, for a check that has already been redeemed.
  • The agency should keep the completed DA-6P in their agency documentation files.