Position Funding Maintenance Procedures
and Form Completion Instructions (DA-219A,B,C)
The DA-219A, B, C can be used by agencies as an internal data entry source document
for the purpose of establishing, or changing, the funding of their payroll charges.
If agencies choose to complete the DA-219 forms for their internal use, they may also
want to retain the forms for their documentation purposes.
Combination Code Table - Used to establish individual combination codes. Each combination code
defines a unique line of funding for the agency. The funding line consists of agency number,
index code, agency use, fund number, and program cost account (PCA) fields.
Form Completion Instructions
- Action - Check the button that describes the type of change you wish to make.
- Combination Code - Enter the ID used to identify the combination code. The combination code ID
can be up to 25 characters long. The first three digits should be the agency number.
- Effective Date - Enter the date you want the action to be effective. For a
record to be effective for a particular pay period, it must be entered prior to pay
confirmation (day 6 of the payroll timeline) and have an effective date not greater
than the pay period end date.
- Status - Enter the combination code status desired. The status can be
active, inactive, or temporary on
hold. SHARP uses the combination codes with
an active status on the pay end date and an effective date closest to but not greater
than the pay end date.
If some combination codes used by a position pool are deactivated for the pay period, the
deactivated portion will be charged to other active combination codes in the pool
proportionally. If all combination codes used by a position pool are inactive, the
positions tied to the position pool will be funded using the lowest active position
pool ID. The position pools in SHARP are listed first by
numeric then by alphabetical order.
If you do not know whether there are active positions that are 'tied' to a position
pool ID that is using the combination code you wish to inactivate, consult the KPAY711 report
which is distributed through agency mailboxes.
- Description, Short Description - Description and short description of the combination
- Account - Your agency number.
- Org Code - The Index Code to which payroll is to be charged.
- Project/Grant - A 15-character field for agency use.
- Fund Code - The Fund number to which payroll is to be charged.
- Program Code - The Program Cost Account (PCA) to which payroll is to be charged.
Position Pool Table - Used to create position pool ID's that define like groups of
positions within a department for funding purposes.
Form Completion Instructions
- Action - Check the button that describes the action you wish to take.
- Department ID - Enter the 10-digit department ID in which the position pool will
be used. Note: Position pools are department specific but the same position
pool can be established for different departments. If a funding structure is to be
used by several departments, the Position Pool ID and its funding structure will have
to be entered separately for each department, e.g., if position pool ID AAR is to be
used in two departments, 1730000025 and 1730000026, the position pool ID AAR and its
funding will have to be entered twice, once in Department 1730000025 and once in
Department 1730000026.
- Position Pool - Enter the three character ID used to identify the position pool.
- Effective Date - Enter the date you want the transaction to be effective.
- Description/Short Description- Enter a description and short description of the
position pool.
Department Budget Tables - Used to associate specific combination codes (funding lines)
to a position pool ID or to a position. Also used to establish how the payroll accounting
charges should be distributed to each combination code. Distributions to an combination code can
be set for flat dollar amounts or a percentage but not both. Funding must be established
separately for earnings, deductions, and taxes.
Form Completion Instructions
- Department ID - Enter the 10-digit department ID. Should be the same as the
Position Pool that relates to it.
- Effective Date - Enter the date on which you wish the
transaction to be effective. The accounting transactions are generated
using the data row entered prior to pay confirmation with an effective date closest
to, but not greater than, the pay period end date. The entire pay period will be
funded the same way. There will be no proration of funding within a pay period
based on effective dates. This date should be the first day of the pay
period affected.
- Fiscal Year - Enter the four-digit fiscal year to which the funding will apply.
- Budget End Date - Enter the budget end date (last day of fiscal year).
Note: At the beginning of a fiscal year, an SQR will be processed centrally
to insert a row to change the fiscal year and budget end date to the new year.
- Budget Cap - Check the "Overall" button.
- Position Pool ID or Position # - Enter the position pool ID to which the funding will
be applied, or the position number if funding is by position only.
- Budget Level - Check the Position Pool button or the Position button as appropriate.
- Set up combination Codes for Taxes and Deductions Same as Earnings? - Check the
appropriate Yes or No box. If yes, show funding for earnings only. If no, complete
funding for earnings, deductions, and taxes.
- Earnings Code: This field is only used to set up override funding for the earning
codes selected. Note: If you wish to set up override funding, contact Payroll
Services Section for assistance.
- SEQ# - The system calculation sequence. This field is designed to allow the
calculation of both amount and percent. All combination codes related to percent calculation
should use the same highest sequence number to allow the flat amounts to be calculated
first. For example, to set up a position pool with four combination codes - two flat amounts
and two percents, use Seq #1 for the flat amounts and use Seq #2 for the two combination
codes with percents so that the system will know to calculate the flat amounts first.
The same sequence numbers used in regular funding can also be used for override
funding, e.g., if an earnings override is to be set up in the position pool in the
previous example, Seq #1 can still be used for the flat amounts and Seq #2 for the
- Combination Code - The combination code used to set up funding distribution for the regular
or override funding. Note: Each combination code can either have an amount
(entered in the Budget Amount field) or a percent (entered in the % of Distribution
field), but not both.
- Budget Amount - The dollar amount to be allocated to the combination code.
- % of Distribution - Represents the percent of payroll expense to be allocated to the
combination code. The sum for each position pool/ budget level or earnings code must
total 100%.
Note: Override funding provides a means of funding selected payroll charges
differently from the regular funding for the position pool. Override funding can be
applied to employer deduction contributions, employer tax contributions, or any earnings