Construction of the West WingThe Board of Statehouse Commissioners was recreated in 1879 and work was started on the west wing. The legislature made an appropriation of $60,000 and provided a one-half mill levy for the west wing construction. The west wing is architecturally similar to the east wing, except it is four feet wider and six feet longer. The limestone used was from Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. By 1880 this wing was enclosed. The House of Representatives met in the new hall even though it had a temporary roof and the walls were un-plastered. A covered wood bridge, referred to as the " Cave of the Winds" was built from the Senate to the House for messages to be taken from one to the other. The cost of the west wing was about $300,000 compared to $500,000 for the east wing. The difference in the cost of the two wings, which were substantially the same size and design, was attributed to the depreciation of the currency after the great rebellion. Error processing SSI file |