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Accounts and Reports




DATE:  May 3, 2012
SUBJECT: KPAYGL5C File Available For All Agencies
EFFECTIVE DATE:   May17, 2012

Sunni Zentner

Lisa Kraus

(785) 296-7058

(785) 296-3699





Nancy Ruoff

(Original Signature on File)


KPAYGL5C File Available For All Agencies in a CSV Version Format-File Layout Attached

The Office of General Services, Payroll Services, is pleased to announce that the KPAYGL5C file will be available effective May 17, 2012 for all agencies to download from their MVS directory using CoreFTP.  Step-by-step instructions regarding the download and use of the KPAYGL5C file are attached to this circular and can also be found at the Office of General Services, Payroll Procedures and Forms webpage located at:


As a reminder, the KPAYGL5C is a file that contains information regarding the accounting transactions created in SHARP that corresponds to every paycheck funded by the receiving agency.  Previously, the KPAYGL5C was available to selected agencies using a flat file format.  Effective May 17, 2012, the KPAYGL5C will be available to all agencies using a CSV (comma delimited) format.  The CSV version file layout is attached to this circular.  Agencies who were receiving the KPAYGL5C prior to May 17, 2012 will continue to receive it in their current format.  Any agency currently receiving the flat file format can switch solely to the CSV version upon request to the OGS contacts listed above.

The CSV version of the KPAYGL5C file is easy to open and use in Excel or a similar spreadsheet application.  Column dividers are inserted automatically and the top row of the file contains column labels for each data element.  The file contains a subset of the data fields from the payroll accounting table and includes expenditure accounting transactions only.  The file lists the detail rows for the payroll journals that are summarized by matching chartfields and sent to SMART.  The Journal IDs that appear on the detail rows are the same Journal IDs that are processed in SMART for your agency payroll.  If, due to journal edit errors or budget errors, funding has to be changed in SMART after the original payroll journal has been generated, these changes are not reflected on the KPAYGL5C.

The KPAYGL5C file is generated twice per pay period.  The first file includes only on-cycle paycheck information and is usually generated the Saturday following the end of the pay period.  The first file does not include Journal ID information since the file is created prior to sending the data to SMART.  Several agencies use this first file to get total expenditures of federal funds in order to request federal draw-downs.  The second file for the pay period is usually generated the Wednesday evening following pay day.  This file is cumulative and contains the on-cycle as well as off-cycles A, B and C data including the Journal ID information.  Please note that holidays could slightly alter the KPAYGL5C processing schedule.

Agencies should accumulate all KPAYGL5C files for the fiscal year in a secure location to assist with fiscal year-to-date budget and reporting information.  As a reminder, the KPAYGL5C file should be downloaded within 30 days of the date the file is generated.  The file will be deleted from CoreFTP after 30 days.  The data on the KPAYGL5C can also be filtered by various data fields, such as Project ID to assist with special reporting needs associated with a project or grant. The KPAYGL5C provides the same data as the KPAYWAGE report in order to obtain wage and fringe information by position number for a particular program code or funding source.  The KPAYWAGE report will be discontinued in February, 2013 with the implementation of PeopleSoft 9.1.  Agencies are strongly encouraged to begin using the KPAYGL5C file during this time of transition, in order to obtain the wage and fringe information required for reporting purposes.

Agencies can obtain more information on downloading the KPAYGL5C file and some suggested tips on its use during a presentation at the upcoming ASTRA meeting held in Topeka on May 17, 2012.  Any questions regarding the KPAYGL5C file should be directed to the OGS contacts listed at the top of this informational circular.


 KPAYGL5C CSV Version File Layout xls

 KPAYGL5C Download to Excel Procedures docx
