SAP311: Voucher Processing
Course Objectives
- Define basic voucher terms
- Describe the voucher process in SMART, including the impacts to other modules
- Create a voucher without a purchase order
- Create a voucher with a purchase order
- Create a journal voucher
- Create a reversal voucher
- Manage vouchers
- Monitor control groups
Delivery Method: On-the-job training – provided by agency.
Note to agency staff: Please use the Participant Guide to facilitate on-the-job training. The Participant Guide is located in the Course Materials and Resources section at the bottom of this page.
- SGN101: Introduction to SMART
- SAP110: Introduction to Accounts Payable
- SGN201: Introduction to Navigating in SMART
- SRP202: Introduction to Reporting in SMART
Required Roles:
- Agency AP Processor
- Agency AP Supervisor
- Agency AP Maintainer
- Agency AP Interfund Processor
- Agency AP Interfund Approver
Course Materials and Resource
Course Materials:
SAP311: Voucher Processing Participant Guide (1,527 KB) [.pdf]