SGL331: Processing Budget Journals
Course Objectives
- Define basic budget journal terms
- Demonstrate the steps to successfully enter a budget journal
- Demonstrate the steps to successfully import a spreadsheet budget journal
- Create and review Budget Overview inquiries
- Describe the types of errors that might occur during the budget journal post process, including security errors, ChartField errors, and translation errors
Delivery Method:On-the-job training – provided by agency.
Note to agency staff: Please use the Participant Guide to facilitate on-the-job training. The Participant Guide is located in the Course Materials and Resources section at the bottom of this page.
- SGN101: Introduction to SMART
- SGL130: Introduction to General Ledger
- SGN201: Introduction to Navigating in SMART
- SRP202: Introduction to Reporting in SMART
Required Roles:
- Agency Budget Processor
- Agency Budget Approver
SGL331: Processing Budget Journals Concept Slides (837 KB) [.ppt]
Course Materials:
SGL331: Processing Budget Journals Participant Guide (1,191 KB) [.pdf]